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Everything posted by damkia

  1. http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/hometech/slash-your-power-bill-by-10-20120530-1zir9.html In the article the female co-inventor's christian name is, ummmmmmmmm................
  2. Sush a pitty about Larry. What his wife didn't realise is that by taking a bit of interest and massaging his wealth, she could have turned $100 into $100000. She would have been thanking that tatooist for years...........
  3. The quote of all quotes
  4. ...........and the spin they put on it is that they are your guiding light...
  5. Nah, THAT would be the "spoiler".....
  6. Nah, that's a "KRudder"...
  7. I would be pushing for an independent observer in all board meetings as a bare minimum - someone that can independently verify business arising out of the board meetings. Look at a management consultant? ~6000 members at $190/yr should be able to carry the cost of a few consultations and recommendations by a M/C to iron out the flow of business procedures. We're talking a $1M+ organisation here... IIRC it is a requirement that minutes of all management meetings are produced for the members of any Incorporated Organisation (unless the rules have changes since I was last an Inc Club secretary). Morally this is what should happen anyway given who's money they are administering.
  8. Lots of very familiar names there. Interesting how it all comes together....
  9. x 2 to a degree, but I would say it is more to do with the culture (the "toxic" culture I mentioned a while ago), and frustration is the most likely reason for leaving. I used to work for QLD Health who had/have similar issues. People left because there were too many fiefdoms and too much empire building. The joke that went around was: "Queensland Health. That's QH with a full stop like Ansett used to have. More a statement of business expectations than a colective noun", although for all the wrong reasons in QH's case. "Ah, Queensland Health - now I understand...(explains everything)" Too many "stakeholders" trying to influence things that have no real relevance to them, for the simple sake of justifying their positions in the business, rather than for any meaningfully useful purpose.
  10. "Flying for business" may simply be getting yourself to work (ie what I am looking to do inthe next year or so, flyin/fly out of Gold Coast to central Qld area - 2-2.5 hr flight vs 9 hr drive. CASA actually formed our regs under the RAAO provisions. It is RA-Aus that operate under what CASA have given us already, so I feel that your thinking may be "ass-about". In effect we are already under the CASA regs.
  11. See post #45 It's probably already happening. Is the reputation of RA-Aus that much better? There are some here who seem to have knowledge to the contrary. There are already two RAAO operating side by side in the same airspace (RA-Aus and HGFA). One seems to work a bit better than the other...
  12. http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_93439 Interesting reading in as much as there is no reason that a second RAAO representative group of RAA pilots could not be created. It would not be easy, but it could be done. There is also a potential if this is true for a whistleblower to give examples to CASA of what is going wrong in RA-Aus, forcing a top down shake-up of RA-Aus. I am not aiming this at anyone, simply putting it forward as a possible and allowable action.
  13. Further to that I had a Mazda rotary seize solid in the middle of Princess Hwy/Center Rd intesection in Melbourne. Those of you who know the intersection will appreciate how long a push it is out of the intersection in 40 degree heat.
  14. Related also to the Rec PL that CASA are proposing? Bigger picture potentials or comments: CASA oversees all aviation and training. Ability to be taught on more established trainers (C150/C152, Tomohawk,s etc) for RAA type aicraft and from RAA trainers to simple GA aircraft with only a nominal (3-5hrs) model endorsement. CASA sick of the infighting in RAA, leading to the "takeover"? Relatively high number of "incidents" tarnishing the reputation of CASA (although in actuality it is RA-Aus that is the issue) Common sense prevails that if we are all sharing the same airspace, then we should be governed by one body. CASA needing RAA pilots as "feedstock" to step up to GA, both financially and membership participation.
  15. Otherwise known as an "Incendiary Container" - they can have a habit of turning into a "loverly bubbly gooo" that generate copious amounts of black smoke.
  16. Three different types that I am aware of... In one version, the tank is filled with aluminium mesh (almost chicken wire in appearance and stuffed into the tank fairly densly), the aim is that the heat energy goes into the metal rather than the fuel. Aim is to reduce the vapur pressure. Combustion possible but slow - you can actually light the top of the can without it blowing up, it just produces a 6" flame as the heat is dispersed by the aluminium mesh. Another version uses a porous foam in the tank that the fuel permeates through, leaving lots of filled areas of both air and fuel, but not in direct contact with each other = no combustion possible inside the tank. Yet another has a rubber bladder in the tank that deflates with the use of it's contents, once again separating the fuel from the air by a non permeable membrane = no combustion possible
  17. The "right" way is a fair and open re-election of RA-Aus management and board after going through due process. Having referenced everything back to the rights of the members and board in the Constitution, there should be no basis for a consipricy theories. It is the dispute resolution process in action. This is all I was trying to demonstrate.
  18. The indications from Ian were pretty pointed in as much as SOMETHING needs to happen to stop good people leaving because of a disfuctional management (the common business definition of a "toxic" workplace). As far as "stacking" meetings, if asking people to take a direct interest, utilising the procedures available to bring about a resolution to the issues then there is no problem. True (union) stacking is where you get your mates to JOIN the union, then vote, with the intention of influencing an outcome. I am not suggesting that at all - I am simply saying to utilise the existing membership if the members are not happy with the current management.
  19. Had a bit of a read... Section 17 makes it clear it can be done... ...needing 7 members present (section 25 (i) and (ii), and section 28) - best to be "unhappy campers" wanting the change by proposing a general members poll and Special/Extraordinary General meeting(but the more present the merrier)... ...using a stack of proxy votes at the next (Special/Extraordinary) General Meeting to get the spill of positions happening. If it is as toxic a corporate structure as it is being made out to be, then IMHO this would not be an unreasonable approach. Of note there does not appear to be anything the suggests the the CEO, AM, OM, AOM, and TM are not a part of the board, simply that there are 13 individuals on the elected board who undertake day-to-day running. If there are enough misgivings to warrant an investigation, why not the corruption investigation organisation in NSW? (being registered in Fyshwick)
  20. Could there be a no confidence motion put forward, with a suggestion of a spill of all positions? It sounds like the best way to move forward. How about a petition from RAA members for a special GM?
  21. "Innocent until proven guilty", or sentiment to that effect. Rumours never help. Wait for the facts.
  22. This is the "Legalese" that is used in legislation.
  23. Gravity?
  24. "It flies in much the same way as a brick doesn't..." (Douglas Adams: "Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy")
  25. "It'll buff out..."
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