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Everything posted by damkia

  1. damkia


    What contact with RAA have you made about this? Put a name to them, not so much for the "name and shame" aspect but to try to let others who are yet to be affected contact the RAA and preempt the issues by getting all required paperwork in order, if that is what is needed. A bit of public pressure for the RAA to announce these sort of problems before actually acting on them is really all that is needed. ("Proposed rule change") If everyone sits back and lets this sort of stuff happen, then it WILL keep happening just as it HAS been happening in the past, as there is no mandate to the management at RAA for change in transparency. Clearly not a great deal has changed at RAA HQ since the EGM/AGM fiasco....
  2. damkia


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultralight_aviation Goes some of the way to explaining the different nations definitions of ultralight/microlight/LSA... I would expect that the aircraft may need to have been designed with the 544/600kg limit in mind, including all the relevant safety margins. Whilst they may be safe in most conditions, extreme conditions that would not normally cause an aircraft structure to fail (544/600 kg), may allow these (~450kg) to fail As stated I hardly see how new regulations can be considered to be hush-hush/secret squirrel business. A phone call to Tech Ops may all that is needed to clarify, perhaps with a post here or on RAA website explaining what is happening. My best guess at "scaremongering" speculation is that it was a review brought about by one of the CASA audits that may have noted that these aircraft may have been approved by RAA but not have been designed to carry the weight that is now being put on them, ie they are using their safety margin design limits to comply.
  3. damkia


    RAA Tech Ops would be the people to contact, rather than scaremongering third hand information.
  4. We used to use a single post advertisement, with all queries being conducted via PM as well. If you have a well constructed template there really should not be any reason to have too many questions about whatever is being sold. This needs the ability to edit the title/contents to "Sold" either by notifying a mod, or by the seller themselves. The other thing about doing it this way is it only allows registered users to communicate with sellers, clearing any need for display and harvesting of sellers details for malicious use by scammers and bots.
  5. Are the fill caps/ tanks venting correctly? If not then there is the possibility that the fuel is under pressure as you ascend making the drip more noticeable. As the tank gets more empty, the effect will be amplified due to the increased amount of air in the tank.
  6. As a general comment you could expect a little more than normal while the engine is running in (50hrs or so). The bulk of the running in should be complete after the usual 25 hrs or so, with oil consumption tapering off after that. It does not magically arrive at its end point oil consumption at 25 hrs. Do the basics, have a GOOD look around to see if there are any leaks, run it up with the cowl off to see if there are any leaks under pressure. As above, contact Lyc to see what that "normal" consumption is. If the 233 is anything like other GA derived engines (as distinct from smaller LSA type engine, Rotax etc) then you can expect more oil consumption that you would expect as being "normal" from a smaller engine.
  7. If my logic is correct you would be running it over a 6mm diameter rod to achieve a 3 mm bend radius
  8. What is also needed is the position of "Chairman" whose roll is oversight/governance of the organisation, similar to the Governor General's relationship to the Australian Government system. Has the ability to break serious internal disputes, but otherwise keeps out of the picture. This would stop fiefdoms occurring such that have recently occurred.
  9. Prop Make/Type (Number of blades, Fixed pitch/Ground adjustable/CSU)
  10. Start with a polite request to the new Tech Manager for the information to be published, then graduate to aFOI application to RA-Aus if that is blocked/fails. This will be a good test of the supposed new "transparency" and goodwill with the members This should not be "private" information, as it is the members that are contributing data to the RA-Aus, and as such you should have access to this information as much as you have access to a financial statement published every year, for the members perusal and for regulatory reasons.
  11. Start at the front and work back Props/Spinners (Inc Blades/CSU etc) Engine (basic types) Engine electrical (electric fuel pumps, alternator, plugs, EFI/ECU, "firewall forward"stuff) Firewall forward mechanical (engine truss/nosewheel support) Fuel system (tanks/hoses/clamps/hard lines/etc) Analogue Gauges (plus lines and senders etc) Avionics/electrical (interior switches/buss/circuit breakers/wire/looming suppliers, electronic senders, "firewall back" stuff) Construction supplies (F/Glass, Wood, Aluminium, paint, etc) Interior (general stuff - cushions, handgrips for control sticks, floor coverings, etc) Clubs Schools/Training organisations Training information (books/DVD/etc) Regional fuel providers and type of fuel supplied (linked to map?? ie YCAB Mogas/100LL fuel available from XXX company at YYY location during the hours of ZZZ am-pm. Contact Joe Bloggs on ph : 1234567) Not sure if it is just me but the screenshot is not much bigger than the thumbnail - difficult to read
  12. When looking at the "Sub-Forum" (ie "Aircraft General Discussion", "Avionics Engines and Props - Rec", etc) there is a blue button top right of the light blue part of the page.
  13. I think he is referring to the "pinned" threads that are usually at the head of every subforum, but when modified do not appear at the head of the What's new/What's new(24hr) list.
  14. What are the new user benefit that are coming and exactly what will be the affects/effects be? This would be a good start to get the conversational ball rolling.
  15. Written Exam Prep: 1/2A = RTFQ Half the answer equals read the full(*) question. (*) "cleaned up" for public viewing, but you can guess the real word..
  16. Out of curiosity, how many international (outside AU/NZ) members do you currently have? Could you use a prefix in the url to determine region ie "au/recflying.com", "us/recflying.com", "uk/recflying.com" to tailor a list of available relevant subforums, and simply leave the "recflying.com" as an all visible? This would then break down the conflicts in trying to include everything, but give some regional "homeliness". Include a linked list of regions in the "recflying.com" home page. You get to have your pie and eat it too...
  17. My apologies, but I missed the line in the middle of the paragraph of you first post at the time (my bad - trying to get a house ready for sale ). I did look through the list of threads and still missed the absence.... (Doh!) I would think that the overseas information would be useful as most accidents have a wide cross section of interest and relevance in terms of human factors, environmental, and mechanical issues involved.
  18. This would be the only negative I can see from the upgrade. Having them separated means you also separated the "attitude" (for want of a better description) into "Dead serious" Accidents and Incidents, with minimal superfluous chatter and thread drifts, and "Almost anything acceptable" General threads where a more liberal approach to posting is welcome. The other factor is now we actually have to search through pages of general chit-chat to see recent accidents and incidents, with the possibility of missing them altogether if you have not been on for a week or two and have not heard any rumblings to encourage your curiosity to search in the first place. Having all the Accidents and Incidents in one place was a benefit not actually offered by RA-Aus at the moment - this forum was one of the very few places RA-Aus A&I's were talked about. I accept that we may not have lost A&I's, but we have lost a good part of the functionality and ease of access to them. A&I's was one of those threads that you keep a general eye on once or twice a week. "Search" only works when you know you need to search... For want of a better description it is now not as "fail safe" as it probably should be in accessability
  19. Totally left of field idea, but why not take the plans to a printer/vinyl cutter/signwriter (sticky label maker) and get them to make as many of the accurately sized stickers as you need and simply stick them on whatever you are cutting/shaping. Would be a good way of doing it if you have many of the items to cut to the same size such as ribs, etc... Anyone in the kit manufacture area could possibly try this too...
  20. Seen the results of standing on a bed with a metal ceiling fan on high - instant skin flap "comb-over" with newly red hair. Bled like a stuck pig too..... "Dumb and dumberer", in A&E nothing surprises you.....
  21. Pure music with engines....
  22. QA/QC/HACCP principles at play in the overall reliability. Failure in anything from the basic metallurgy, through to selection of appropriate materials, then the engineering and manufacture, and then to the end user' treatment and maintenance of the engine will all have an effect on reliability long term. There is one particular engine that may have a materials and design weakness causing issues.
  23. IIRC it has double redundant fuel injection system too...(2 pumps, 2 rails, and 2 injectors per cyl)
  24. "Rotax killer..."
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