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Everything posted by damkia

  1. Taken from the above link, the MINIMUM screen size is calculated to be 257mm or 10.1" (210 x 148 mm; 8.3 x 5.8 in), so no iphones or equivalent or even small tablets.
  2. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/ozrunways-now-casa-approved.60747/ I think someone beat you to it....... "There's nothing new on the internet..."
  3. I agree... There is a very nice little Mitsubishi turbodiesel (4N13) that fits into the ASX in some markets that would make a very good start. Alloy block, offset crankshaft (vibration and friction reduction) and a nice flat torque curve http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/spirit/technology/library/diesel.html
  4. Sorry about that, I was drooling over the 6 cylinder...
  5. According to their site about 19000 Euro (AUD$23500-24000) plus freight etc. Still needs radiators and other cooling requirements
  6. Finish the question? ("Any tips/advice on flaring in a 95:10?") Saves us clicking on the post just to find out what it is actually about.... ("Netiquette") (Fixed - Admin)
  7. Noting your posting location, are you thinking about Chinese manufacture of kits for sale in Australia? The biggest issue would be a suitable engine at a reasonable cost. The fuselage around it should be a do-able exercise. If you were really interested in some sort of manufacturing exercise then a 120-130hp engine for the uncertified market (with certified version to follow) would be a good start. Turbodiesel (Jet A/Jet A1/domestic diesel compatible), +/- gear reduction, less than 90kg, even better... People will howl me down when I say that there is no reason not to trust Chinese quality - most of your domestic electronics comes from China and has done for some years. They are capable of "building to a quality" as well as "building to a price".
  8. I love the usual comment about Johnny being an "accident"... All that huffing, puffing, moaning, and groaning and you call it an "accident"? I'd hate to think of what you would be doing for a "planned" pregnancy.......
  9. Could the word "harmonisation" be responsible? Currently we have too many disparate "Governing instruments" in the sky not really talking to each other, and we probably need to trim a few of them away, or at least amalgamate some, as I have said in other threads. As an example of what I mean, how many different registration categories are there in the air at the moment? (Hang gliders, Manufacturer built gliders, Amateur built gliders, Amateur built GA, Kit built RAA, Manufacturer built RAA, Ultralight RAA, Manufacturer built GA, Historic, etc) Most of these are administered by differing bodies, some of whom have been shown not to be up to the task. Surely it is better to have one organisation (CASA or delegated offshoot) and supporting legislation look after the registration with the various other existing bodies acting as support clubs/general information sources. The elimination/amalgamation of the RAA flying certificate into the Rec Aviation licence of CASA is clearly the most logical point here. This would ideally be done by upskilling the current RAA certificate issuers to the level of competence required by the Rec Aviation CASA licence. There is little sense in breaking down the groups into "performance bands" as a way of demarcation of jurisdiction as there are WAY too many overlaps in physical sizes of aircraft with similar performance. Weight only would be the most obvious way. The automotive equivalent is that a car licence allows you to drive a car (up to 4.5 tonne) a truck licence allows a larger weight limit, and a semi-trailer licence allows you to drive a semi. All vehicles actually have the same operation performance (operational speeds, braking capability etc) regardless of how you intend to drive them. All for the KISS principle........
  10. Corvalis TTx ........... Just a different version of the Corvalis
  11. .....or you can kitbuild a Lancair Evolution
  12. http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/aircraft-design-aerodynamics-new-technology/4204-razorback-construction-thread.html For those not in the know...
  13. They look all natural to me........No Dow Corning there.
  14. Ric, known to many.... (Random Internet Chick)
  15. If you didn't realise, all that I am suggesting is the removal of some overcomplicated regulations back to some already existing basics. There is nothing new to be added simply a reorganisation of existing structures. I would give a separate endorsement to LP flyers for all classes of licence as the aircraft can be significantly different to fly. Agree with the TW endorsement and Nav endorsement.
  16. What is needed? "Add lightness and simplicate" Forget the current weight/power/performance limits Above 1500kg gross = GA, or RPL (with excess seats removed to two seats maximum) Below 1500kg = LSA (2 seat maximum) Split by amateur built and factory built only This then nicely coincides with the CASA Recreational Pilots License weight limit, and could incorporate their seating limits too. Three types of licences - PPL, RPL, LSA PPL can fly GA/LSA/RPL aircraft RPL can fly RPL/LSA aircraft LSA restricted to LSA aircraft Simple really - such a pity it will never eventuate.
  17. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/flying-car-pal-v-video.46308/ http://www.recreationalflying.com/posts/212478/ http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/pal-v-flying-car-now-a-reality.3381/ It was the last few times too....
  18. Cue the "Great Australian Crow Call" that got Graham Kennedy kicked off air............... (I'm sure it would have alerted the other crows to a truck, maybe a bit to late though)
  19. How about an "Ask an instructor" thread? That would be a very useful resource
  20. I really don't feel the need to have a massive "Heterosexual Mardi Gras", nor any need to openly promote my sexuality at every turn to everyone in earshot. I think the thing that peeves most people off generally is continually having the sexual orientation rubbed into every conversation or event when it is simply not needed, warranted, or desired by others (as in the OP of this thread). I have worked in both nursing and the TV industry, both of which are "overrepresented" by gays and lesbians (and other letters...), and as an observation I would say the people that actually earn respect from the majority of others are the ones that behave as a rational, organized, competent individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. The "exhibitionism" I alluded to earlier does not impress anyone - it simply isn't warranted in a workplace. (correctly identified as attention seeking behavior or narcissistic behavior - "I am the only one that matters. Look at ME") I'm straight, but I accept all people as being normal (a wide acceptance of what is "normal" is commonplace and necessary in nursing). I don't rub my sexual orientation in your face, so please don't rub your orientation in my face. Not that I am offended by it, but I simply could not care less about it.
  21. Bisexual and Transgender...
  22. Logical answer to that is yes (8 minutes, actually) much the same as morse code over radio works - Electromagnetic waves
  23. Fact. All these special effects used to convey the message that you are traveling quickly through space in shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, etc with all the stars whizzing towards you are in fact incorrect. As your speed approaches even a minor portion of the speed of light, the visible light from the stars would receive a "blue Doppler shift" into the ultraviolet spectrum, rendering the stars invisible to the human eye. You may briefly see the stars to the side of you until they receive a "red Doppler shift" disappearing into the infra red spectrum as they are fully past you, again invisible to the human eye.
  24. Catholic celibacy - "not with women"
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