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Everything posted by damkia

  1. 23. All electrical equipment runs on smoke. It is only when the "wires" (smoke conduits) actually rupture that the machines stop functioning and you can actually see the smoke. 24. $2000 of electronics are there to save a $0.05 fuse. 26. Why don't "mums taxis" come with a forward view mirror above thr rear windscreen, given the amount of time "mums" have their head facing backwards screaming at their kids while driving? I'm sure we would ALL be safer. 27. Why do we change the fuse three times before we acknowledge that something is shorted out? surely we know after the first fuse blows
  2. I would put it down to the candidate that best suits the needs of the executive rather than the best candidate for the member's needs. It does not fill me with confidence that a person who is in the final six was not furnished the selection criteria until actually ASKING for them. Was this the case for ALL applicants? Would a fair and equitable selection process demand that all applicants be given the same opportunities and timeframe in which to address all aspects of their application? I smell a rat. This does indeed have all the hallmarks of a job "placement" for a crony, using the cover of a supposed fair selection system..
  3. I would say it is more about the "exhibitionism" side of the argument, the need to be "out and proud" when in all honesty no one else cares what you do behind your bedroom door. To the OP, if you are pilots, good. Join us. Leave the irrelevant stuff alone.
  4. Is your website going to be updated with all the new information you have produced over the last couple of months? Seems to have not been touched in a while...
  5. One thing I remember from my nursing days was the morning "tune up" of the old stainless steel bedpans. Had a distinct resonance that the newer plastic bedpans could never match............
  6. Well at least we know where CASA learned to speak.......
  7. Filter can usually be "pressure relief" bypassed until the oil is warm. This also stops a "full dirty" filter from stopping oil flow. The filter is there to remove foreign material no matter what the oil type or grade. You wouldn't go to a filter with bigger holes, you would go to a filter with bigger surface area for filtering to cater for heavier oils.
  8. http://www.andersonaviation.com.au/ Have had this on sale for a couple of years here - no issues with CASA/RA-Aus registration under the LSA rules. This is available with both C/S prop and full retract undercarriage. Our rules also have a large element of the European rules in them too, to cater for the importation of these and other Euro machines. The Europeans have a very mature LSA sector that we simply could not ignore, with well known and respected manufacturers of LSA's.
  9. Clarification? "Fine" as in "OK", or penalty?
  10. damkia

    Fuel pumps

    You need a roughly 14:1 mix of air and fuel vapours to allow for combustion. Most fuel tanks would have too much fuel vapour pressure for combustion (too rich) with the available air.
  11. http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/-/watch/7eda6714-a2b7-3fca-b6aa-aa7285f4a99f/grant-passes-out-in-the-plane/ Nighty night Grant. I must admit I have similar recollections of Pt Cook 75th anniversary celebrations when I went for a "joyride" with the Roulettes in their CT4's (working for Ch9 did have its perks from time to time.) Half blacked out, half "redded" out with a few seconds between of pure terror:oh yeah:
  12. Linky no worky....
  13. Above all else when dealing with neighbours, don't forget to stress the importance of your strip in the event of an emergency - ie getting goods in/out if you are cutoff by fire/floods. Welcome their request for assistance in things like post incident survey of their property, etc.
  14. A 300m "cricket pitch" or "golf hole"
  15. Farting could turn heavier than air aircraft into lighter than air aircraft if we all fart methane. Landing and "sticking" to the ground would be the issue. Oh, by the way, as my sigline says "...Never trust a fart."
  16. I would be questioning if such a payment "gift" would be considered an admission of guilt on the RA-Aus side. A gift of sorts done by passing the hat around at a meeting would be the actions of individuals, and not seen as the governing organisation actions to placate a situation that may involve a conflict of interests on their behalf. Keep the RA-Aus (ASTB?) investigation away from any payments. There should be some sort of insurance that should cover personal loss, and if money was to be paid by or through the RA-Aus, this is where it should originate.
  17. Tigers, guys. Not lions................
  18. To the OP, walk away - while you still can.
  19. Paparazzi with telephoto lens caught this snap....
  20. It would not be impossible to build an inertia switch that senses a crash (same as goes to an EPIRB???) and use that to cease recording 15 mins after the crash. This would give time to get any significant follow up in the incident such as engine out due to a broken fuel line, with an ensuing fire. Engine out is one thing, engine out with a fire from the right wing would be invaluable for investigation as to the root cause.
  21. At least when the Pope quits, he doesn't "think about it"....
  22. Having said all that it is worth noting that if the organisation is sued, then if there is insurance to cover such possibilities held by the organisation, it would be the insurance company that pays. This would be where the Directors Insurance and Liability Insurance of a company would come into play to insulate the organisation against financial loss as a result of legal action against the organisation.
  23. Regarding the prez's status, has anyone thought about seeking a legal "discovery" of said documents? This would effectively call his bluff by forcing his legal team to provide said documents, or surrendering his position. Are there any legal people here that would do it (or know someone that may do it) pro bono? AFAIK it is only a legal letter cc'ed to a judge (Local Magistrate) requesting documents as a precursor to a formal legal challenge. The purpose is to ensure that both sides have access to all documents. Basically that is all members are after.
  24. Is it possible to CC Facebook management to the list?
  25. Welcome to the Cougar S (stretched)
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