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lyle janke

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Everything posted by lyle janke

  1. hi all who has recently up-graded the jabiru brakes to the latest jabiru offering ? what are you thoughts /experience after up-grade post your thoughts lyle
  2. hi all found ID on prop when i checked this morning DWG 000242 D=60 P=42 jab 2200 something to ponder
  3. Hi RF Guy Buy it in the big bottles, not so expensive. small bottles are ! https://www.skyshop.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=1189 is there a better deal than this
  4. hi this additive is expensive how many jab owners are using ?? i have always used a bit of upper cyl lube no additives seem to have the blessing of the factory but any use seems to be by popular opinion guick search seems to have the blessing of the rotax factory will like tosee some more opinion on it
  5. hi "The wooden prop is a fair way down on efficiency compared the the composite prop- it bends. the composite prop is a great upgrade." the prop on the J-160 i understand was replaced in recent past so i`m wondering what prop i have fitted ( are no`s easy to read without removing the prop ) i had composite prop on my previous J-120 aircraft (definitely agree on up-grade ) will get a set of no`s next flight (cost of fuel is not making it easy to fly for pleasure at the moment in the bush - $3.60 P/L)
  6. hi yes that is correct . if you want a security measure then replace the wing nut assy with a security torque bolt of same thread then it is impossible to get cap from the filler neck lyle
  7. hi the J-120 hardly ever seen RPM above 3000 & went everywhere at 2800 rpm i replaced the wooden prop with the Jabiru plastic option the J-160 will go to 3300RPM full power easily so cutting the rpm in cruise to 2900 rpm is where it seems to like it using 20-25 l/phr . using 2800 is slow & 16-18 l/hr approx i have a wooded prop fitted don`t know if it is correct or not so have a few variables to consider & weather is windy so not good for comparing numbers
  8. hi all i have recently acquired a J-160 on the couple of flights i have had it has used fuel at about 20-25litres /per hr . i compare this to the J-120 i owned previously which was in the 13-15 litre range . i know the airframe is different but when i read on the internet the quote is around 16 litres /hr . i haven`t looked into the internals of the carbie yet to see if jets have been changed or not , how do i determine that jets are worn or what is wrong ? the burn rate seems high based on what i can read it should be your thoughts please lyle
  9. hi this is the latest offering from radiant instruments it might be what you are looking for https://www.radiantinstruments.com/product/flight-sensor-pack allways pricey as everything is built by hand but quality & great company to deal with
  10. hi all who has recently fitted this Up-grade Kit from Jabiru what are your thoughts on this kit ?? is the matco offering a better alternative ?? (more $$$$ i know & engineering to fit )
  11. HI All as there seems to be a group of us who have EQ-1 headsets with no ongoing support apparently . we perhaps should backtrack to find why the sale of business means that the current owner would not be interested in keeping this excellent product supported & selling more of them . it is not as though they were cheap chinese knock-off`s when they were being made & marketed by great people & companies where do we start in the search ???
  12. hi it seems the batteries fail 1st i dont seem to have any other issues apart from battery issues they are an easy swap for anyone that is electronically -mined handy with a soldering iron
  13. hi RF-guy thanks i have already determined that the batteries were AAor AAA but they are hardwired & made into a battery pack i however am not confident in creating another battery pack to solder back to board
  14. hi all as the people involved with the EQ-1 wireless headset project have all gone their own ways & no agent available to do repairs who do i approach to get the batteries replaced in wireless link thoughts & ideas thanks lyle
  15. hi what is an EKIV? a GPS moving map before OZRUNWAYS which was popular in past made by AVMAP not my dash but same GPS in centre dash
  16. hi all i have an avmap EKIV fitted to a J-160c it has lost the toggle button in the lower RH corner of screen is it a simple process to get replacement or is dealing with manufacturer an option or ditch unit & fit a replacement what will fit to the existing mount with a minimum of modification what has anyone done ? give me your thoughts & ideas lyle
  17. i have bought these to use some time they are low level warning light & sensor (new version is ultra sonic prev. ver was sensor) https://radiantinstruments.com/bingo-4-liquid-detector/ they have a whole range of instruments as well see on the website this my be of interest to you
  18. hi who out there has these headsets & have you had any contact with anyone apart from the chap at white gum caravan park( who is almost uncontactable ) i have issues & need to get new contact details for the new agent (i was advised earlier that a new agent was taking over any help appreciated lyle
  19. hi all what are your recomendations for an epirb that is at the cheaper ind of market that does the job thanks
  20. hi all my ipad failed after many years faithfull service ( currently 2nd Gen ) i need to source another unit do i go for a new unit ? a second-hand unit which model? a refurbished one which model? can you leave your ipad on charge when not in use or is this a NO NO ? give me your thoughts on how you would replace on a budget / holidays
  21. fred at wagga bikes & tyres is definitely the person to go to for anything tyre /tube related he knows his stuff tell him lyle sent you i don`t go anywhere else he knows his stuff on anything aviation related https://www.waggabiketyres.com/
  22. hi yes the J120 is now with a new owner near canberra . i`m currently waiting for the arrival of a J160 i was always wondering if there was any benifits to fitting in place of the jabiru plastic offering which was an improvement on the wooden one .having the pitching better matched to the motor requirements with a C/S type in the various phases of the flight
  23. i`m aware off the rotec TBI system there is another rather exotic system that the use in south africa
  24. hi all i think about these mods from time to time are any of you running a fuel injection system which type ? was it worth the change ? has anyone tried a C/S prop conversion any benefits? which one did you use ? there doesn`t seem to be the interest in replacing the carburetor
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