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lyle janke

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Everything posted by lyle janke

  1. hi all my fellow forum readers i find my self in a delima with an expired BFR new plane to take delivery of & COVID to deal with in achieving the aforementioned is there suitably Qualified people about that would travel to conduct a BFR in a remote location or near by let me know your thoughts or if you can help PM or forum your ideas thanks lyle
  2. hi 2 sound barriers ( as reccomended for out door setting under dome shelter ) & security system for activation tad under 6K expensive but if it works then i will be in frt . go to this site for info etc http://www.sonicforcesecurity.com.au/index.html the distributor is a very knowledgeable chap about his product tell him lyle sent you his way
  3. yes all the comments on checking fuel qty before flight is a no-brainer check before you fly but the point of this post is the popular past time of removing fuel from aircraft`s & all the damage /loss/stress that one can be confronted with when you arrive at airport to go for a quick fly & then you may need to repair your aircraft or replace fuel this doesn`t put you in a good mental space to go flying . so i have had to go the costly path of a DETTERENT to keep my plane safe so i can just check & fly without a constant repair everytime i wanted to fly
  4. hi yes i have also been the victim of fuel & damage at my remote home hangar i had to get the plane out of there until i have installed a deterrent device called a "sound barrier " which i believe will save me further damage loss . reports in our local paper of similiar device when its suspected use by russia & china on american diplomats produced mysterious dibilitating side effects requiring medical assistance (not permanent ) this i hope will convince them of the error of their ways
  5. hi all i have a J120 jab so share the frustration of my fellow pilots but my research has led my to use the following set- up : 1-MGL FF-4 fuel flow meter which has fuel flow virtual tank & GPS for real time fuel calculations currently ( i also check the no`s manually ) i will fit an Ultrasonic probe to my existing MGL FF-4 fuel flow meter ( to give fuel level rather than virtual tank ) then all the calculations will happen real time on gauge The Radiant LCD fuel gauges, coupled with the Radiant Perfect Fuel Probe (an Ultrasonic probe) they also make a LLwarning sensor (an Ultrasonic probe) of which i had the earlier ver. fitted but need to up-grade as was damaged in recent vandal attack older ver repl. obsolete. the Radiant Perfect Ultrasonic Fuel Probe will adapt to most avail fuel gauges as well so can be fitted to existing set-up`s i hope my knowledge /research is of some help to those considering option s & how to decide going forward lyle
  6. hi to the person requiring services to an EQ-1 Wireless headset send e-mail to the e-mail below phone contact very unreliable you should get a response in a short time [email protected] gary the original distributor has sadly passed away & this guy now provides the service i`ve required some repairs in the recent past & on both occasions i was able to get my head sets serviced hope this helps lyle
  7. hi all for those pondering fuel sensors /warning lights etc here is a couple of links that you might find interesting the site has all sorts of instrument s& plane related things also their own kit plane Fuel Sender | Belite Aircraft Bingo 3 Liquid Detector - Radiant Technology happy reading
  8. Hi all has anyone made /used the data cable to download the data from theTC-3 & TP-2 gauges using software I am currently struggling to ascertain the software needed & as a data cable is no longer available i need a plain English. Wiring diagram so I can have one made all help appreciated thanks lyle
  9. i made the decision while cammit were still around to replace with there dipstick so easy to read level was basically the same with a flat end with a whole bunch of fine holes in flat end in which oil stuck to indicate level so much easier to see level sadly they aren`t around anymore i guess you could mod the jab 1
  10. hii am also a territorian use MKT @ noonamah for my town visits fly a Jab J120 what are you flying ??
  11. hi winsor68 thanks for editing post i was struggling with trying to find the "EDIT " button which i`m sure is there in front of me i just don`t see it the other strange thing is i don`t see my post if i refresh my page with "new or new post " button something else i done wrong i guess lyle
  12. hi all Home | the Chipper Aircraft Co. anyone know if any of these kits have arrived or flying in australia ?? thanks lyle
  13. hi all Home | the Chipper Aircraft Co. has any of these made to australia ???
  14. hi all i have a j120 jabiru which used to wear the inside of tyre U/C would splay on landing LH would wear more than RH while using factory supplied tyres (chinese). can`t offer an explanation for outside wear . rang the man at wagga tyres ( he has advertisements on forum sidelines at times easily found on google any way) he has a wealth of knowledge on jabiru`s & what does & doesn`t work tyre wise ,a change of tyre from chinese & problem solved negelible tyre wear / less punctures & to my susprise landed with a puncture & didn`t even know unlike chinese brand it would do all sorts of damage worth phone call & chat you might solve problem with some new info hope post helps you lyle
  15. lyle janke

    Zenair ch 200

    i spoke with someone previously but more than happy will pm details
  16. lyle janke

    Zenair ch 200

    hi i used to own one what is the rego ??
  17. hithis certainly looks like the answer but the exchange rate would kill the idea for anybody but the rich a lot of work gone into the idea but not much use if you can`t get them to the masses lyle
  18. hiyou need to get an alt supply from using switch -mode this is where the electrical noise is being generated & impossible to regulate , also a std usb port will not neccessarily charge an apple correctly it needs to be an apple savvy port lyle
  19. hi i have exactly the same problem it is exactly as suggested . but getting a port that doesn`t generate noise & will charge an ipad is nigh impossible (apple need special port specs to charge )so if someone could build a powered -port for i-pad they would have a winner lyle
  20. hi this will gain popularity if there is local marketing dealer for sales parts etc an ignition up-garde to dual spark sys would be advantageous would certainly give jabiru / rotax a run for their money if all were on a level playing field
  21. hi i have something similiar on drawing board instead using 200lit drum . the pump used if it is an e-bay issue is not sealed & is advertised as diesel only . the blue e-bay model is listed as suitable for petrol but has a disclaimer "not to be used to pump avgas" what is the difference to normal fuel?? or is it a legal issue what would 1 need to to modify to overcome legal issues for private use ? the only issue that come to mind immediately is static /earthing issues with pump/installation . the pump already has an extra threaded hole on body of pump so i thinks manufacturer already uses this pump in an aviation environment elswhere . my research so far identifies the main delivery fuel hose also as being an issue . is the e-bay version suitable for an aviation environment & able to disperse static build-up maybe change hose to suitable version & create earthing to unit & problem solved any thoughts as to whether i`m on right track any aviation units i`ve found are more than double the price & make the task of refuelling not cost effective any more for the casual flyer who wants to get away from fumbling with gerry cans lyle
  22. hi all who has written to jabiru seeking permission to replace VDO guages & fit the temp monitoring system fromMGL is there a std letter form that can be used or is the format free form what detail is required?? any help suggestions appreciated thanks lyle
  23. hi i read the list recently but can`t remember where any one got it close that they could post or link thanks lyle
  24. hi i recently finished my certificate & wish to try some of the many gravel/ formed strips in my locality how has your plane handled the bush strips ?? your thoughts/ comments / experiences etc are you a regular bush strip patron ??? lyle
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