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lyle janke

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Everything posted by lyle janke

  1. hi ian thanks i have a dedicated power supply via a t/former worth checking the output noise level s when i can get to tech. will check to see if not plugging in solves issue lyle
  2. hi all another strange ocurance the unit will work sitting @ home but refuses to work mounted in aircraft where to look faultwise
  3. hi all i purchased a 7in GPS version sometime ago & have used it successfuly on 1 flight only it sat in storage & battery failed a replacement was sourced since then i played with unit on bench & became familiar with it functions & uses when i finally got my licence & wanted to use it in plane it has been nothing but a disappointment to itemise issues sw unit on everything happens normally sat`s aquired maps loaded etc nav the menu 2 touches on screen & everything freezes nothing possibble unit useless re-power same result what am i doing wrong ?? what do i need to fix i also need anew stylus pen & sun shade anyone have same issues & what did you do to fix
  4. hi i would like to make contact with someone/club that can provide remote area training in a jab . i`m in a rut & time poor . have tried going to the source & been disappointed ( twice ) so i thought i would ask if this is a possibility to do my training @home rather than trying to travel any thoughts appreciated remote northern territory is the destination lyl e
  5. hi to aircraft owners in darwin area i have a friend on whose behalf i post this search if you have something avail send details to [email protected] i will pass them on & he will contact you he recently refreshed his PPL& now looking to keep current while he searches for plane to purchase i hope this is in the right section lyle
  6. hi guys thanks for replies price quoted was around $700 mark as complete assy lyle
  7. hi i`m in need of a starter for my J120 according to L2 i ring jabiru & get quote for replacement ( suprised@price ) has anyone gone done the path of sourcing from the general parts supply market ie what fits & what model etc i`m interested to see if possible any help appreciated thanks lyle
  8. hi is this not a poplar choice to use for a GPS? i was hoping for a better response
  9. Sue hi sue thanks (it keeps saying "Off Route" where as mine automatically directs you back) are you using 2 units ?? lyle
  10. hi looking for something for plane use only i have a GPS for the car who has one of these units ?? is it a worthwhile unit or is the programing avail for aviation too restricted or N/A to make a good multi-function unit would an i pad configured be abetter deal?? what other aviation programs are avail ?? lyle
  11. hi i was just reading about this on the forum recently . all this means for me is i would be able to finish a part finished PPL licence & fly a plane i can`t get any one to do maintenance on in reality i want a plane in a registration formula that i can easily get maintained all the time without constant hassles from non-existant LAME`S to get maintenance done at the end of he day there is not enough LAME`S to do maintenance for the small guy in the aviation industry , as a comparision you can get a mechanic to work on what ever vehicle you have but try & get a LAME to work on what ever plane you have it is like pulling teeth without anesthetic ( painful ) dis-allusioned lyle
  12. hi is this the new RA-AUS limil proposal ??? i had heard that 600 or 750 kg was being considered & then shelved this means my plane would now fit into the revised RA-AUS limit then i can get rid of the VH registration& re-build
  13. hi i looked @ that option too but the plane is just too heavy. new weight category that was being proposed would have been the answer but i believe the idea was abandoned so no luck with that idea thanks lyle
  14. hi there is a lack of LAME`S that want to do work for small private owners & most won`t consider kit planes i have done the rounds / waited only to be given the push hence the pedicament i`m in now my original LAME lives interstate & would be my only hope possibly but @ what cost ???????? if you have any solutions i`m willing to listen i didn`t grow up local came for a holiday many years ago & stayed never went home . done some flying in Zenith / part PPl training in skipper & cess 172& piper , flown in thruster & jabiru member @ MKT airstrip just need help resolving one problem & then move on lyle
  15. hi frank thanks for the welcome i need too get rid of my current plane so i can then move sideways . i have joined our local club & have ridden in a variety of aircraft so am familiar with what is out there . my dream was to fly the plane i bought @the time i thought i had made the right choice but lack of engineers have dashed my dreams of flying in soon ' my investment has turned in to nightmare & i can`t see where i`m going until something postive happens with my current situation thats the good news i wait for thanks lyle
  16. hi my name is lyle i found this site on referral from another forum i live outof darwin so i have wanted to fly for some time now . i have a VH registered aircraft which has fallen by the wayside i can`t find lame`s to do annual inspections so i need to get rid of aircraft ( see classies) & buy something else. i have part PPL & lost interest in finishing now my plane cannot be serviced regularly someone contact me & cheer me up with some good news e-mail : [email protected]
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