Well for me it's not just about the cost of ownership, but the price on not owning your own. It is difficult to price time and availability and the knowledge the aircraft is safe. Most of us have a budget in order to keep us from loosing the house LOL, but for me it's about value for money. What advantage will I get from ownership? And do I find that good value for my money. The thrill of owning my own aircraft that I can polish when I want (Turtle Wax). Fit what I want in it and fly it when and how I want. This is how I decided If I wanted to own my own aircraft. Sure I needed to purchase within my means rather than my total wants. That's why I don't own a twin with auto-pilot Hire and fly is not for me, and it would most likly end my flying if I had to operate that way. I am sure I have not been able to get full understanding from all of you, no more than I could with the Wife. Woops