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Everything posted by Herm

  1. Welcome back Compulsion. Now it's time to stop playing and do some work LOL. That's what I charge for hangar space! I think it's time for a price rise. I need to get some funds to get me one of those holiday things you just had.
  2. Ahh this is a moisture ring. You often see these around the full moon. It is caused when there is a large amount of moisture in the upper atmosphere. They can look pretty cool when you get a large one. Have taken a few shots of these. Yep I am a bit of a Nurd and have all those telescope bits. Have some cool images I have taken on my website.. http://scopepics.wordpress.com. Mardy
  3. Thats not very smart at all... I cant get NAIPS also.... What next? Turn of the GPS system... I tried to look up whats going on and could only find a BRAINSTORM FORMING! Mardy
  4. Alan will be there hanging around with all the udders
  5. Thanks for this info as it was something I had not been aware of. I did make some phone calls and found that this is not the case on my motor. Next week the plane is going to be taken away for the guys to have a real good look as to why this has happened again. I have been made aware that on rare cases the Crank Shaft Gear cracks near the shaft allowing oil to pass rear of the seal. We are not sure if this is the case at this stage, but will post back the results of what is found. It seems my problem is not a common one so the results will be good to post for others when I get them. Thanks to all those that also posted suggestions of other things it may be. It is to be noted that the oil IS leaking at the rear end seal behind the flywheel... Mardy
  6. If I had the money I would buy one... Good vis, easy to fly and one of the largest luggage weight. I have a friend that owns one and have flown it a few times on some long trips. The view in the Foxbat is great and lots of room... Go for a flight in one as I am sure you will love it. They are very well built and reliable with the Rotax motor. Can't go wrong with the foxbat
  7. I have a 2200 Jab engine in my SK that has only done 6 hours. At three hours I noticed oil on the underside of my aircraft. Looking into the problem it was found to be the rear end seal that was leaking and was replaced (simple job). I have now done another 3 hours to find I have the same problem starting again. I have a warranty on the motor so all is good in that area, however I just wanted to see if others had had the problem? And please can the Jab Bashers Bu--er off as I am looking for assistance. In recent times as soon as a question is asked about a Jabiru, out they come... I am not sure if this problem is relative to another problem or if I have just been unlucky and perhaps put in a second faulty seal. I don't have vibration and all my temps are normal and oil pressure is correct. The aircraft seems to run fine apart from this oil problem.. Thank you Mardy
  8. sounds like he's been burnt.
  9. David stop with the old bit. most of us could not afford to fly until we reached 50. go for it and start flying or you are going to end up in an over 50' s club plying bingo and drinking tea! then we will need to give you an intervention Mardy
  10. I will be there so it should be a great day:ban me please: Going to be a great day and fun for all. fill up you plane with fuel and make the trip. we will make you feel welcome and you will have a great time. this event is also open to the general public as a tool to promote our sport. Come help us introduce this great hobby to them. Mardy
  11. Hi Damon. I think I might have a couple of spares left over from my trike. I am going to the airfield this morning so I will have a look. If I still have them you can have them. I could just post them too you or drop into Gawler on the 28 th for the big flying and pick them up.. Let you know tonight... Mardy
  12. Hi Daniel. Welcome to the forum. Have fun with your lessons. What aircraft are you going to learn in? Mardy
  13. I am with Mark. I can remember my instructor saying HEAD UP at the flair. May not be your problem, but it is one that seems to work for me. Don't look over the nose when at flair. Once you begin to round out look forward down the strip... Oh and remember you are a better pilot than you think you are, and you can do it. The brain will fool you and is powerful. Keep calm! Oh I am also a fair weather pilot. See you at Gawler Mardy
  14. Pretty good result for the money. I have just purchased an HD car camera on the Bay. Just fitted it in the Jab behind our heads so you can see the dash as well. Have not flown with it as yet, but have done a taxi test and it seems pretty good. Cost around $70... I do like th GoPro but it costs a lot more. I was worried that after taking a few video's it would just be a novelty and not get used. That's what happened to the camera system I had on my trike. I do like what you have purchased, nice and small. I will post a video soon of the one I purchased next time I fly. Good stuff Mardy
  15. A good lesson in this mistake. The who's the one to blame part I have some trouble with. good to identify what events led to the mistake is a good thing, but we all do and will make mistakes or have poor judgment. Damning our fellow pilots does nothing for our sport in any way. I am sure both pilots are fully aware of what could have been done better and I would hope the event will make changes to minimise this type of problem in the future. Happy no one got hurt. Mardy
  16. Yes true, but not the same carbs. The Jab has a totaly diff unit than in a 582.
  17. Hmmmm had a try of this and no it still does not work. I am going to keep working on this one. Might be as Tomo mentioned... a shared link only...Bugger. oh and Puffin is still the best for this site, and others for that matter
  18. Did you try puffin? Then try the upload using that?
  19. Hello justnuzza.. I think you problem is that normally the iPad will not run flas. This stops a lot of the functions on this site as it uses flash for smiles and add ons etc. Safari is not able to run flash. However there is a solution and that is to go to the apple store and downloaded a program called Puffin. This is a web browser that will allow flash to run on your iPad and solve your problem. Thier are twe versions of the program, one is free and the full version has a small cost. Try the free version first... I use it and think its great. A little slower, but lots more function.... Hope this helps Mardy
  20. Well for me it's not just about the cost of ownership, but the price on not owning your own. It is difficult to price time and availability and the knowledge the aircraft is safe. Most of us have a budget in order to keep us from loosing the house LOL, but for me it's about value for money. What advantage will I get from ownership? And do I find that good value for my money. The thrill of owning my own aircraft that I can polish when I want (Turtle Wax). Fit what I want in it and fly it when and how I want. This is how I decided If I wanted to own my own aircraft. Sure I needed to purchase within my means rather than my total wants. That's why I don't own a twin with auto-pilot Hire and fly is not for me, and it would most likly end my flying if I had to operate that way. I am sure I have not been able to get full understanding from all of you, no more than I could with the Wife. Woops Mardy
  21. Hi Ian. Your comment about flash on an IPad is not fully correct. If anyone wishes to run flash on thier IPad, and use all the features of this forum the solution is simple. You need to go to the Apps store and download Puffin browser. Thier is a free version or a paid one and the choice is yours. This will allow you to use sites with Flash and other cool things. A little slower but has a mouse function that's also really neat as well.... People seem to treat IPads like pinyada and start beating them up without knowing what they are bashing. I love mine and have spent lots of time learning what they can do that suit my uses. I hope this info is useful to others Mardy
  22. You could hold out your arms and run around the top deck of the boat. Don't forget to make plane noise when you do it. Then you will be able to say you flew and landed on an aircraft carrier LOL.... Just make sure you do it with your clothes on and make sure its early when other passengers are still in bed. If you don't you may find yourself locked up in the ships hangar... Have a Great Trip Mardy
  23. I have done lots more than 2 hours in 3 axis as this is what I learnt before trikes. However I have only done two hours in a jabiru after flying a Morgans Sierra. It was more about not pushing things when so many changes have been done to the aircraft. Oh and the pressures from others. I guess my story may ring with others given this kind of pressure from others.
  24. I love it. My wife would steal it from you if she could. She will not buy a new car no matter what. I am always working on keeping her 71 VW Beetle running.
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