I love my iPad... Or should I say Ijailbreak! If you want choice of apps and flying apps and don't want to spend heaps, go second hand iPad.. The market is set to keep people chasing the latest and greatest so older models sell cheap. As they say second hand does not always mean second rate... I can't do just about all the things the latest iPad does on my old model and I only spent $200. Once jailbroken you can do all sorts of things that Apple stopped you frome doing due to license issues... Things like running flash in web pages and any GPS device etc...
I guess owning an IPad and a Jabiru puts me right in BASH ALLY... But IMHO most bashers are those that are misinformed and rely on rumors and opinions rather than fact. Until I unlocked the ability of my IPad with a jailbreak I was blind to just what these great little devices can do for very little money. I love thrifty!
Here is you free stick,,,,,,Bash away..