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Everything posted by Herm

  1. Needing to get some polyurathene tape (prop tape) to protect the rear fin from stone chips. I am also wanting to get than nice white cloth style tape to close the air gaps in the elevator on the Jab. I have the cloth tape on the Jab at the moment, but will need more in the future... Mardy
  2. You can get she'll products at Parafield in the Bruce Hartwing Hangar if I remember. I also get my oil from thier.
  3. Thanks for the Shell link. I did not know they had cleaning gear. Will have a better look. I love plexus and use it on my windscreen but have never used it on fabric. Does it work like a scotch guard on fabric? I know it tends to fill light marks in the plastic.
  4. Mr Sheen is silicone..... Have a read of the Jabiru manual and it advises not to use silicon based products as it will make future repairs difficult. As mentioned by Sapphire, it will work its way into the composites and cause bonding problems if repairs need to be done in the future. Use wax only........
  5. Think a few might slip on past that. Lots of slipper characters at the club. What you really need to help you out is some really keep aircraft buffs. Thay a more likely to get a rag on the job and really make the job shine.... Enough enough ..... My brain is hurting... We could get into the oxymorons next... Mardy
  6. Turtle wax is the go and it's cheap... Bugger about all those dry turtles out there. I think I get at least a 3 knot speed increase. I think wheel spats, polish, and higher octane fuel I can turn my plane into a pylon racer. Might be able to get sponsorship from Turtle Wax. WOW! So many opportunities.
  7. Turtle Wax. It will give you a hard shell and allow things to roll of ya back LOL
  8. Fantastic news. Thing have all worked out for you. Looks like the Gawler Jabiru Squadren is starting to form. Go the Skylice! I am really happy for you and expect to see you at the airfield in the morning armed with a can of polish and a bag of rags..LOL Mardy
  9. Bugger! Keep ya chin up.. It's not the RA that's the problem it's the Club... Without going into too many details we have a few wing nuts we have to deal with. I guess this often happens when you get large numbers of people together. Keep looking as your aircraft is waiting to be found and don't let it effect you goal of getting signed off and having your own plane. Still a pretty good club and in time you will know who and what not to bother with. I am really sorry for you and can fully understand your disappointment. I will still keep and eye and ear out for any space or deals that I think may be helpful. They should not have taken any deposit until they were sure. In legal terms once money has changed hands a contract of sale has been accepted.... This will make thier future dealings difficult as future buyers that find out about this may have second thoughts dealing with them... A real shame for all really.
  10. Is this my groundhog day?
  11. Wooooo hoooo. Great news! Looks like Gawler will get another trainer and that lifts the Jabiru total at the airfield. Soon we will ask all the others to leave and call for a name change. Adelaide Jabiru Club & Training School. Very good news and very exciting when you get to purchase your own plane. Can't wait to go one some flights with you when your training is done. Concratulations. Mardy
  12. Yes that's true, but Scott's post already indicates he can use his credit card but noted that not all airfields offer this. I think he may have been looking for another solution. It can be difficult to apply for single CARNET Cards and often you need a Business to do so. Skyfuels solves this problem and may be a solution for Scott or others. Mardy
  13. Do a search on th net for Skyfuels.. They will give you all the cards for free. You will get your fuel account with them at the pump prices. No extra charges with one simple application. You can do this as a private flyer and don't need a business. If you have any trouble with the online application just give them a call..very helpful and a simple process... Oh and no min spend Hope this helps Mardy
  14. Jail break your IPhone or IPad and get it to do all the things Apple don't want you to. Play flash and use any gps or Bluetooth device. Then you can still use all the cool iPad apps and others.... Naughty but nice
  15. They all seem to be nose heavy. Notice all the guys holding the tails down.. Time to do a weights and balance LOL
  16. I am really happy you got the problem sorted. I went back and read your original post and I jumped in on this one as you mentioned a tone rather than a squeal... Hummm now I own Andy a lunch... Bugger! Oh well he never drops in to see us at the airfield so I guess I wont have too? A lunch might draw him in Good news on the Radio as there is nothing worse than noise in the ears.. Mardy
  17. Make a trip of it and have a little holiday at the same time. Visit the barossa and taste some fine wine. Then hitch on my trike with the trailer and take a really good trike home with you. You will save money and get an aircraft that has not been effected by the damp weather in QLD. We have a smaller market here so good planes with no corrosion can be purchased at good prices. If I wanted a cheap boat I would head up your way... Let me know when you are coming down and I will arrange a lesson in it to add to your training hours...... Mardy
  18. Sorry to butt in on this one Andy, but I have fixed this problem a number of times on this radio. On the side of the Microair radio is a small adjusting pot. You will need a plastic trim pot screwdriver to turn it anticlockwisevabout a 1/4 of a turn. It is caused when a headset overdrives the input of the radio. I help many people at the airfield with radio installs and this has come up lots of times. I also had the problem with my Icom A200 doing the same thing... I would almost put money on this one, and if I am wrong I will shout Andy a lunch next time we catch up.. Mardy
  19. Hi David. I got one of those small car mirrors you stick to the left side mirrors of cars. They help with blind spots. I fitted it to the front bar and it sits at a perfect angle to see the passenger. Held on with a cable clamp. It has a slight curve so you can see all of them and cost $6... It also allows you to see them be sick inside your helmet LOL..... Yuk. ... Not sure why I added that part
  20. Thanks all for you comments... I did ask around when I was at the airfield for you so I could say hello and show you the Sierra.. We will meet at some stage...
  21. Thanks 170. I still have not met anyone from the forums, so now that you know the plane, give me a tap on the shoulder and say hello. You could give me a clip to the ear, but the shoulder tap will do. Thanks for your kind comments and for having a look. It's not often that anyone looks at a Jabiru these days. Was a very exciting day.
  22. Well today was the day that my Jabiru SK took to the air for the very first time... I got the CFI who has had loads of hours in this type to risk his life for me... As he was parking the plane he looked over at another flyer and gave the thumbs up... See attached picture... I knew then that things must have gone well. I expected that I might need to do some trimming and adjustments as it is rare to get things correct the first time... Nope! all was good and it needs no adjustments at all.... My father (Guernsey) made the trip for the maiden flight and it was great to have him witness what all the work putting it together had resulted in. Then it was my turn to have a go in it.. Well I had not flown one of these before so it was a little different to anything I have flown before... Needs rudder for good balanced turns and a little negative input when returning from roll... Just a different feel really... Was very happy with my new toy and can't wait to settle into this little pocket rocket... Climbs like an elevator and nice and smooth... Was a little worried when I was building it as I had read some really negative reviews... Bahhh Humbug to them,,,, I like this little plane so far and what else as good could I get for the money... A very happy little Vegimite. Mardy
  23. Worst still, You have a perfect flying day so you set the alarm early to get to the airfield. The wife wakes up and looks at you with a look that says... Would you like a good reason to stay in Bed...????? Doh! Mardy
  24. As your are aware it's better to start them from time to time. However somtimes this is not poss and so when this happens I do the following to help a little... I run the engine up to its running temps. I then stop the motor from running using the choke so that I get a nice oil rich stop on the motor to keep lube in the system... I then remove the fuel bulbs from the bottom of the carbs and drain the fuel out of them. When left the fuel with stale and leave gum and oil in the float chamber... If you can I would rotate the prop from time to time if you can.... Thats what I do and I am sure others will have another point of view... Regards Mardy
  25. Yep I've had that look when I was young.... My Dad is so proud of me doing this, he is going to spend ship loads on me and my hobby. LOL
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