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Everything posted by Herm

  1. Same here please [email protected]
  2. thanks OME I was not able to find what you have listed.. but its not the Tech manual I need. its the pilots manual that you carry in the aircrft with you
  3. I am wanting to get a PDF file of the operations or pilot/aircraft manual to keep on my ipad. I dont seem to be able to find one on line. I have the early short wing Jabiru SK 2.2. I have been on the Jabiru Website, but it seems Jabiru have removed all traces of thier early SL and UL models. I am a few weeks away from its first flight... Yay! Not sure on the legal side of aircraft manual on electronic media, but I have no roon to carry a large folder. Thanks Mardy
  4. I thought an Aeroplane was just a choc bar full of bubbles of nothing?I think you can also get an Aeromint as well! to many things to think about... Rolling 21
  5. Mark you should do what I have just done. Put the trike up for sale and purchase a Jabiru. No one is going to steal a Jabiru! they might set it on fire, so I still ended up insuring it
  6. Yes QBE. it seems most insurance is done via them or Alliance
  7. Hi Ausmo.. it was underwritten to Chris via OAMPSS Adelaide Office. Contact is Bill Galka on 817280000 he is very helpful regards Mardy
  8. Thanks Vev. I think I may just leave them off. I will paint them up so I can keep them with the plane if I sell it.. Might just make some hubs for the center. Mardy
  9. Well I got my answer from my Father. I think thats a result of bad parenting. If I had been tought these things when I was a child by my pilot Father, I would not have had to ask this question LOL..... then again I might of not ended up a pilot at all! What might I have been? Thanks Alan for the info. Mardy
  10. Near finished my Jab 2.2 SK. I am just joining the cheap and nasty wheel spats that should have been joined in the mold at the factory (very odd process). I have just been told that due to the large size of the front spat, it can cause odd rudder effects. After looking at it I agree that it will turn in a negative effect in relation to the rudder. other than the normal to keep spats or not talk, has anyone have a comment on the spats moving the nose opposite to what the rudder is doing at the tail? thanks Mardy
  11. Isn't CASA involved if flight incidents and they are federal. why then are they not allowing the information to get out? They should be able to get past state legislated Police. I am not suggesting that I know this, but I am having trouble getting my head around the suggested reasoning. Thier seems to be a culture of running press about Ultralights, and providing little information to cause ill informed press. Getting the facts out into the flying community and the public arena can only do good, and add to our saftey. Mardy
  12. if we are still under the sights of CASA, why dont the RAAUS post the information in the Airservices Flight Safty Mag? for those that are not awar, this mag is free to ALL pilots. I have been getting this for about 5 years. Simply contact CASA and ask to be put on the mail list. I just don't understand why they are not listed in this mag. It has been printed with the sole function of saving life. I think I may contact RaAus about this. Mardy
  13. Damm,, another pilot in the sky's.. They seem to breed like flies LOL Well done Puddles! It's a great feeling when you get your ticket. You are now one of the very few people in the world that are fortunate to be able to experience this great hobby. Safe flying Mardy
  14. I fully agree with Andy... It took more time and money when doing my electrical work, but I have used only tefzel wire. thier is no Dick Smith gear anywhere. The only cable I have that is not is the cable for my GPS supplied by Garmin and the one that goes to my Ipad... All breakers on the dash and not a fuse in site. When I think of the total cost for wire it was not really all that bad and I think well worth the money and the effort.. Here Here Mardy
  15. Well thanks all for your advice... this may be helpfull to others... My first thoughts were based on the same problem I have seen in the past with Microair radios.. I thought it may be that the input to the radio was being overdriven by either the intercom or the headset... I looked up to see if I could adjust gain and sidetone on the A200 Icom.. I found that it did not have a software or menu setting to do this, however if you remove the radio from the tray their are adjusters.. You will find 3 stickers (little round foil ones) that cover some adjustment pots.. They are marked and so I went for the Mic Gain and turned it down 1/4 of a turn... Put the radio back into the tray and the problem was gone. Good solid transmit with good modulation and did not have to touch the sidetone... My thoughts were correct.. The Microair radio has and adjustment on the back side of the radio and have used it in the past on Trike radio installs... Glad that the simple solution was the fix as all the other suggestions were next on the list if this did not work.. Thanks Andy for your advice,, I was going to use my meter that I used when testing my Black Widow TT2000 antenna's as that has a dummy load as well as the normal reflection and power readings... Good stall recovery Mardy
  16. Hi Terry. This is a great site, but it's full of Pilots talking about flying. Other than that they all seem like good people. Mardy
  17. Oh the Question..... It cost $540 PA.... for those that have no connection with Alan..
  18. Well it's not going to help others. I got my insurance for Free! I got ground cover only for $45,000. I told them that I was Guernsey's Son, and it opened up all sorts of doors.. They even wanted to make a donation towards finishing my Jabiru.. I did however decline as I just needed insurance and not charity.... If only that was the case I got Hull ground cover for the above value. It covers for the usual fire theft etc. and also covers the aircraft should it get pushed over in a storm or by others that have the money to purchase engines much greater in size than mine. It's really insurance up until the moment you press the start button, and then I am on my own.. Once the aircraft is finished I may look at adding flying insurance... I will just have to wait and see. Mardy
  19. Sounds like you are doing just fine. Every person will have thier own learning time and thier is no competition. Just enjoy yourself as it seems you are. You can never spend too much time on instruction as long as you can afford it. Landings just seem to click. One day you will just get it, it's like a light turns on. Then you will land good most of the time..never every time, but you will always land safe. Thanks for sharing your learning process Regards Mardy
  20. Well I got things looking tidy with some changes and cable ties. Then came the time to connect the power and test all functions in tha Aircraft. After going through all the connections and diagrams a few times the connection took place. NO SMOKE. Yay! Yep it all worked as it should. IT'S ALIVE! Just one connection to add backlight to the radio. Finish the trim and she is all done. Very Happy Mardy
  21. powed up the electrics in my Jab today for the very first time... Yay! it all worked!... Anyway I have an IC-A200 radio with a PS Engineering Intercom.. I am also using Lightspeed headsets... All seems to be working fine but I am getting Squealing when I transmit.. I have had this in the past with Microair and found it to be the input gain that was too high causing overdrive on the input.. The Microair has a small screw in the side to turn this down. However I am not able to find anything on the Icon or the PS intercom... Has anyone else had this problem as what was the fix? The only other thing I can think of is that I was transmitting inside a low hangar and that may have caused the problem due to reflection????? Any ideas would be a great help Regards Mardy
  22. Wow that is really neat. I think I need to go back and make changes. Hi Rod! I have purchased an early Jab SK 2.2. It was started in 2006 and never finished. I have been told that it is the only known brand new SK around. I have about 2 weeks work to finish it, other than getting my wiring more tidy LOL. Just managed to scrape up the funds with some help from the parents.. That being Alan (Guernsey on the forum). I guess not having really tidy wires is not great, but as long as nothing is rubbing and it's labeled... Oh and safe. Cheers Mardy
  23. Well I thought I was doing a good job of wiring my Jab. Started out real neat until it came to the radio and intercom. I seem to have wires all over the place an trying to keep them tidy but still allowing length to remove the dash if I need to. Is it normal that behind that nice looking dash is a mass of wire? I would love to see some images of what others look like to get an example....and not just the perfect ones.. This is my first go at this Mardy
  24. I hear white noise............
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