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Everything posted by jencfi

  1. Cloud watching!
  2. Commercial Pilot..RA-Aus CFI and a Mum!
  3. G'day Bob! Ha ha! Yes, no more service fees! I managed to move the truck after you departed..darn thing!
  4. Thanks Clansman! I'm surprised the aromas from breakfast cooking didn't entice you to a little diversion!
  5. Hmm?? Could possibly know of a Mark up there??
  6. G'day Gnarly Gnu! We're an RA-Aus flight training facility where I am the CFI and I am also a current Grade 1 GA instructor.
  7. G'day Oksinay! Please do! You would be very welcome!
  8. G'day! Jen from Deniliquin (Home of the Deni Ute Muster!) I'd like to introduce Wettenhall Flight Training, an RA-Aus Flight Training Facility where I am the CFI. We operate a Tecnam P92 Eaglet and a Zlin Savage Cub out of YDLQ and have a very neat and well equipped flying school facility. Here the weather usually turns on perfect conditions for learning to fly, giving students the best start! We've also a very strong aero club community that meets every Friday night for a BBQ and every Sunday morning for our famous fully cooked breakfast! We encourage everyone to drop in to Deni and often have people fly in from all over! We've just had a new Aero Refuellers Avgas bowser installed (finally!!!!) which accepts Aero Refullers carnets and credit cards. All the more reason to fly in! Thanks for reading!
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