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Eric McCandless

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Everything posted by Eric McCandless

  1. Hi Ayavner, Congratulations on your solo. I am very pleased for you. If it was like mine, you won't come down for a few days and you won't stop thinking about it and talking about it. A great write up in your blog. Eric.
  2. Flight Lesson 55 - Navigation Endorsement Test – Goulburn – Harden – Young - Goulburn – 10 Mar 13 - (2.0 hours - Instructional hours = 53.3 / Total = 85.4 hours) Today was scheduled to be my navigation endorsement test. My navigation endorsement test had been deferred several times since late January due to poor weather for navigation exercises. I have been filling in time when the weather has been good for local flying by doing circuits and some mini-nav exercises. Yesterday I managed to do a solo navigation exercise to Harden and Crookwell for practice and this increased my confidence. I was hopeful the weather would be OK today and based on the reasonably weather yesterday, it was looking good. Last week, because the weather had been different in different locations around Goulburn, Teraya had asked me to plan for two trips today and a decision would be made on the day. One was to be our long term plan to Wollongong, then Mittagong and back. But just in case the weather was not good in that direction, the other was to be from Goulburn to Harden and Young, and back to Goulburn. So I prepared both flight plans. The weather forecast the evening before was for some low cloud around Bowral and on the coast, but the weather to the west looked a better forecast. After I arrived at the airport, Teraya asked me to get a weather update and then to choose which plan I would like to fly for the nav test. I checked the weather and the forecast had improved for both to the east and the west. Because I had not been successful with weather towards Wollongong previously, and I had flown part of the trip west the day before for practice, I asked Teraya if we could do the nav ex to Harden & Young and she agreed. I also asked her if we would be doing a landing at Young, and her response was that I should plan for a landing. From the tone of her voice however, I was doubtful that we would actually be doing a landing at Young as I expected that Teraya would throw in a diversion. ................... read more at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-4Rw0WdHM2JTjJVNjAtUC1qTDA/edit?usp=sharing This is the end of my recreational flight training diary. Keeping this diary has helped me remember my training experiences so I can revisit what I have been instructed to do. I am sure I will continue to refer to it in the future. Although this is the end of my diary, it is just the beginning of my flying experience and journey to become a better pilot. I hope my diary has been informative and useful to others. Happy and Safe Flying. Eric McCandless
  3. Wooo Hooo again !!!!! Today it finally happened. I went for my navigation endorsement test and after 2 hours and throwing in the requisite in-flight diversions, my instructor said that she was satisfied that I passed. We flew from Goulburn to (almost) Harden, then a diversion to (almost) Young, then another diversion to Boorowa, and back to Goulburn. I was very apprehensive initially but when we got airborne I started to relax and I managed to do most things right, at least enough to pass. I felt pretty good about my flying today. I thank my instructor for giving up her day off to take me flying. The adrenalin is still flowing and I haven't come down just yet. Eric
  4. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh!!!!! I have been trying to get my nav test done for my nav endorsement since mid January. If it hasn't been raining, it has been too windy, or cloud base too low, or my instructor has no spare slots. My last nav ex was 22nd Dec and I think I have forgotten how to fly a nav by now. My instructor has been feeling sorry for me and is even scheduling slots for me on her one day off without success. My most recent booking last Sunday was cancelled as the cloud base was too low. And the weather gods are cruel, as there was not a cloud in the sky on Monday and today. Hopefully this Sunday, with everything crossed. Eric
  5. I'm addicted too. Is there a cure ? Although I am not after one at this stage. I can kick this any time I want. Eric.
  6. I am not the least bit qualified to advise on which school or RA vs GA. However, would your choice not depend on what you want out of flying as to whether you want to go RA or GA? e.g. 2 seats vs 4 seats, controlled airspace vs uncontrolled airspace, high performance vs low(er) performance, high MTOW vs low(er) MTOW, flying for pleasure or upgrade path to commercial, certified aircraft vs uncertified aircraft, cheap flying vs not so cheap flying ? Eric
  7. Hi Phil, I totally agree. However, just because I have read something here does not mean I am going to go out and do it. I always listen and consult with my instructor. I think it is healthy though to get different points of view for discussion. There are obviously different points off view out there but our instructors will know our particular idiosyncrasies which may warrant a different technique than an experienced pilot for instance. Our instructors may even use different techniques for each of their different students depending on competencies and what will work best for a particular student. e.g. my instructor has taught me to put 1st stage of flap at the end of downwind and 2nd stage at start of base. Why, because she told me "the concept is to have the aircraft completely set up on base so that on final there is nothing to do but maintain the same speed and descent rate". But I have read that other pilots put 1st stage on base and 2nd on final or maybe not use 2nd stage flap for a normal landing. But I religiously stick to what my instructor has taught me to do, and will continue until I am experienced enough to understand when it is safe or necessary to do things differently. Eric.
  8. Solo practice sessions – Circuits – 16 Feb 2013 - (2.0 hours - Instructional hours = 53.3 / Total = 80.1 hours) My instructor was not able to juggle her commitments to accommodate me this weekend for a nav test, but it would not have happened anyway, as the weather was not conducive to a nav ex yet again................ Read more at: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-4Rw0WdHM2JVUVqT1g5RHd1U1E/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Hi robinsm, I'm not trying to hijack Bigfella's thread on PFLs, but I have not had the need to sideslip a normal approach (but I do use it for crosswind landings), but coincidentally I did practice approach sideslipping yesterday. I set up purposely high on final for a (my) normal descent rate of 500 fpm, and then practiced a few sideslips and increased the rate to about 800 fpm. It did not appear as effective as the Gazelle which drops like a rock in a sideslip, but it seemed pretty effective. I have also done a few sideslips during PFLs in the training area when a bit high but more typically use flap instead. Eric
  10. Hi Nong, would you mind describing this technique in a bit more detail. Also can anyone describe any techniques for not concentrating on the altimeter for a PFL setup, as I admit to doing this as well, especially aborting a PFL at just above 500 feet. All my PFLs so far have been done in the training area where I know the ground height, so the 1,500 foot and 1,000 foot key points work well, but will obviously not work with an unknown ground height area. Is it just a matter of judging ground height and using same key point height estimates? I suppose I am getting better at judging height, but I am not sure I can judge the difference between 400 and 600 feet (for aborting a PFL), or between 1,200 and 1,800 feet (for a 1,500 feet key point) in unfamiliar surroundings for example. Should I ignore the altimeter completely in my practices as it will be of no use outside the training area. I have probably done about 40 PFLs so far (have not added them up, so estimating), but all in the training area. I feel reasonably confident in doing PFLs in the training area, but would not be so confident outside the training area. I understand forums are no substitute for instruction and practice and I will seek my instructors advice on this. Thanks. Eric
  11. Attachment E – Introducing my Jabiru J170-C and taking it for a spin (no not that sort of spin) I thought I might introduce my Jabiru J170-C aircraft and take you for a spin in it (not the sort that we are not allowed to do). My Jabiru J170-C 24-7021 at Goulburn Airport My Jabiru J170-C is a factory built 2 seat Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) ultralight aircraft of monocoque construction using composite materials (aka plastic fantastic), built in Bundaberg, Australia. It has a 4 cylinder 2,200 cc four stroke air cooled 85hp engine with a direct propeller drive. It has two in-wing fuel tanks with a total of 135 litres and with a fuel burn rate in cruise of about 15 litres an hour. It has an endurance of 9 hours (to empty) flying at 100 knots (185 kilometres per hour) at 75% power giving a fuel empty range of around 900 nautical miles (1665 kms). It weighs 323 Kg empty and has a maximum takeoff weight of 600kg. So with full fuel tanks that leaves 180kg for pilot passenger and baggage. It can fly up to 10,000 feet and is certified to fly over towns and cities (as a certified 24 series LSA). ........................................... Read more at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-4Rw0WdHM2JUXVEUElxZ3JhYXM/edit?usp=sharing (scroll down to Attachment E - page 185)
  12. Solo practice session – Circuits and Mini-Nav – 9 Feb 2013 - (2.3 hours - Instructional hours 53.3 / Total 79.1 hours) My navigation endorsement test was scheduled for 3PM. I have been waiting for this since before Xmas, but due to unavailability of my instructor and poor weather, I was unable to book a test until now. My Instructor, Teraya said the test would take between 2-3 hours depending on where we would go. Teraya had not told me where we would be going previously, but I suspected it might be Wollongong as we had made several plans previously for a dual nav exercise, but due to weather were never able to achieve it. The weather at Goulburn has been terrible over the last 12 months, as least on Saturdays when my lessons are scheduled. Usually it becomes too windy, and if not windy, then the cloud is too low, or it rains. It has been very frustrating..................... Read more at : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-4Rw0WdHM2JamhyaGp6RXRndDA/edit?usp=sharing
  13. 47% of statistics are wrong.
  14. Fantastic, nothing holding you back now. Navs next ? Eric
  15. Welcome Bluedog. Sounds like you have also been bitten by the flying bug. Eric
  16. Congratulations Compulsion, well done. I hope to get my nav and passenger endorsements soon as well. Eric
  17. I totally agree with looking toward the very far end of the runway during roundout and flare. You can get a far better reference for vertical height and vertical speed (level or up or down) by looking at the far end. I find I can more easily judge how much flare to apply becuase you can see if the aircraft is rising or falling quite easily. Looking downwards or sideways to the immediate runway does not give you that same sense. Despite knowing this, I still have to force myself to look towards the far end as there seems to be a natural tendency to look at the strip around you on landing. Eric.
  18. Flight Lesson 53 - Dual Navigation Exercise – Goulburn – Wollongong – Mittagong - Goulburn – 22 Dec 2012 - (1.7 hours – Total 68.5 hours) Last week’s navigation lesson was cancelled due to high wind and showers of rain. This week’s lesson looked more promising the evening before when I got the weather forecast from the Airservices NAIPS web site. Originally my lesson was to be at 1630, but my instructor emailed me the day before and asked if I wanted to do a 1030 slot instead. I jumped at the chance because the weather forecast was looking better in the morning than in the afternoon, when low cloud and showers were forecast for the coast and Wollongong area. My nav for this lesson was to be a dual nav ex with my instructor from Goulburn to Wollongong to Mittagong and back to Goulburn., although I fully suspected Teraya to throw in a diversion. Edited - Rev 1 - 29 Dec 12 read more at https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-4Rw0WdHM2JMlBlaEJTM05PUlk
  19. Sorry, you may have clicked on an old link which I have now deleted. Lesson 52 on 8 Dec is on page 163. Eric
  20. Latest Update Flight Lesson 52 - Second Solo Navigation Exercise – Goulburn – Bathurst (Ben Chifley Dam) – Orange - Goulburn – 08 Dec 2012 - (3.0 hours – Total 66.8 hours)
  21. Wow .... , I received surprising and fantastic news late on Friday that my registration has been renewed. So I was able to fly today and do another solo nav (Goulburn - Ben Chifley Dam (near Bathurst) - Orange - Goulburn - 3 hrs engine time). I am very happy. So it seems they are making in-roads into the backlog. Eric.
  22. I'm completely the opposite. I'm the one with my face to the cold blustery wind thinking "well its down to 18 knots now, the cloud base has lifted to 1,100 feet, and it has not rained for the last 10 minutes. If I wait a bit longer ...... ". I think I have the bug real bad. Eric
  23. I am grounded (Jabiru J170 24-7021). My rego expired Wed 28 Nov. I was due to do my 2nd solo nav last weekend but could not fly. I paid my renewal on-line on 11 Nov, but it has not yet been renewed to date. I called RAAus on Wed 28th and was told to check back on Fri 30th. I also received an email on Wed as follows: "Your payment has been received in the office however due to Casa restrictions all aircraft are being audited before the renewal is being processed, you will be advised if there is anything that is required on your aircraft file. We are working on getting these done as quickly as possible.". When I rang on Fri 30th, they said they could not give an estimate of when my file would be reviewed. I was told they had a huge backlog and were hoping it would be cleared by Xmas. Eric.
  24. Hi Ayavner. Your first solo will be a breeze, nothing to worry about. Your instructor won't let you go if you are not competent and ready. You won't have time to think about it when the instructor gets out. It will all be automatic, as you have done it many times before. And it will be over very quickly before you have time to think about it. Only when you are back on the ground will you realise what you have just done and the adrenaline will be flowing. At least that is how it was for me. Just do what you always do in a circuit. Just try to imagine your instructor is seated beside you. Just be aware that the aircraft will appear to leap into the air without the extra weight and you will be higher earlier on takeoff than with the instructor, so you need to watch your height more closely. Also the aircraft will float more on landing as it is lighter, so expect to touch down further down the runway than when dual. I normally talk over the intercom through everything I am doing at the time (300 feet checks, downwind checks, base descent, final approach), and that helped me on my solo to provide a familiar routine and as my security blanket. So it was as though I was talking to the instructor as I normally do. I found I was more nervous on my second solo, because I knew I was about to do it. Eric.
  25. Flight Lesson 51 - First Solo Navigation Exercise – Goulburn – Cowra - Goulburn – 24 Nov 2012 - (2.3 hours – Total 61.5 hours) For this week’s lesson, I had hoped I would be doing my 3rd dual navigation exercise with my instructor to Moruya and Wollongong. This nav ex had been postponed quite a few times due to weather and later because my instructor had been away on her honeymoon. I rang my instructor on the evening before to confirm my lesson. However Teraya said she thought I was ready to do my first solo navigation exercise instead. “Where do you want me to go?” I asked. “I would like to you go to Cowra” she said. “Do you want me to fly to a way point on the way back” I asked, “No, just keep it simple for your first solo nav. Prepare a flight plan this evening and I will check it in the morning before your flight” she said. ..........................
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