Thanks everyone for your encouragement. The last couple of write-ups were a bit rushed and rough as a result, but I wanted to get them out there. I am severely time constrained at present, but intend to go back and clean them up a bit. I hope they are of use or entertaining to readers. I decided I would present my experiences warts and all (the good and the bad).
Today I completed my first solo nav and it was fantastic. Reasonably simple from Goulburn to Cowra return, but I had a ball and didn't manage to get lost. I also had the pleasure afterwards to hitch a back seat ride in a Warrior with another student doing his second dual nav from Goulburn to Canberra to Wagga Wagga, back to Goulburn. I followed the plan and located position on the chart as we went, so much easier when you don't have to steer at the same time.
Then I burned heaps more circuits and I think it is starting to come together, well until I mess it up as I am sure I will. Next week I am scheduled to do a second solo nav to unknown parts, my instructor has not told me where yet.