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About joeyo68

  • Birthday 14/09/1968


  • Aircraft
    Vans RV7 under construction
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joeyo68's Achievements

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Well-known member (3/3)

  1. Try Flyleds. Aussie made.
  2. Thanks everyone. not interested in IFR, only NVFR. I’ll make some inquiries with the local AP
  3. I would like to make my aircraft nvfr but do not have a nav source, and am looking for the cheapest solution. Val avionics make a nav only radio, a nav2000, which I can interface with my old Efis for the display. This unit is supposed to be made to meet tso standards, however is not tso’d. I don’t really want to fork out for an Garmin SL30, or a 430, and I do not have room for another instrument for the indicator. Does anybody know if VH experimental can use a non tso nav receiver for nvfr? The legislation is confusing me. Thanks.
  4. Hi DC16, I am a Frankston local, and fly at Tyabb. I am building an RV7 at the moment, so if you want to have a look, drop me a PM with your details, and I will be in contact. Cheers, Joe
  5. Hi Geoff, Peninsula aero club at Tyabb have a C-162 on line that is usually available on the weekends. Cheers, Joe
  6. Congratulations Dan!
  7. Welcome Ian, Where do you fly? Cheers, Joe
  8. Hi Robbo, You can try Torquay airpark. Joe
  9. Hi Carl, Welcome to the forum. I fly out of Tyabb also, and have seen you several times taking your gyro out for a spin. Next time I see you, I will stop by and say G'day. Cheers, Joe
  10. Have you ever had a flying dream? I had them as a kid, but had forgotten until a couple of weeks ago. I'll get onto that in a minute. I was always fascinated by aeroplanes. As a kid, it was plastic models, then pre teens, and early teens, it was radio controlled aircraft. Joined the Air Force cadets when I was old enough. A family friend would take me and my dad flying during my early teens. During year 10 at school, I completed my private theory at night, then left school to work and earn money to get my license. A few years later and I had a commercial with an instructor rating. "Living the dream" you could say. Then there was the recession we had to have, and I could not survive in a small country flying school, so I moved home and got a job in manufacturing. The usual story, got married, bought a house, had a couple of kids and couldn't afford to fly any more. Fast forward about 15 years. I get a new job and I meet a guy that flies RAA. So much has changed over the years with ultralights. I get a promotion, and although I still have a couple of kids at school, I now have some money to do a little flying again. So I get my pilot certificate, complete my GA AFR, and I am flying again. The more I fly again, I realise that the yearning to fly never really left me, as it is as strong as ever. I only really realised this recently when my mate emailed me a link to a Harrison Ford YouTube clip, and he asks the question at the start, "have you ever had a flying dream?", then all the memories of the dreams as a kid come flooding back into my consciousness. Now I can't get enough of aeroplanes again. So why do I fly? Because I yearn to fly! Joe.
  11. Try the below details. I used to work worth owners son years ago. Not sure whether the strip is stil operational. YTGG Taggerty Australia , Australasia 37.3503 S 145.7000 E 700 ft 11E Frequencies 122.4 407 120.6 125.8 Runways 02/20 (790 G) Comments Located 10nm On The 205 Radial Of The Eildon Weir Vor Elw 112.3. Stock Hazard. Fuel Nil Operator Geoffrey Sharrock; Maroondah H'Way Taggerty 3714 T:03 57747261 Y
  12. Peninsula Aero Club at Tyabb do both RAA and PPL. Good instructors and a pretty good social group. The airfield also has the benefit of having a large range of privately owned aircraft that get flown regularly which can be good viewing on a nice day.
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