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Everything posted by Col

  1. That xlam skin still looks brand new Mike! 👍
  2. Pics from my build 2 years ago. Hope that helps. Brackets supplied with kit and bent to suit. Happy 2025 to you also
  3. Col

    Oil tank hatch

    I've contemplated this option; hatch each side (not sure where I saw this pic), but my fibreglassing skills are not up to it.
  4. Good idea Mike. Small adjustments make a big difference to trim on mine also.
  5. That's no a paraglider. Sure looks like a 582 powered trike (microlight), probably Airborne, to me.
  6. Has anyone tried or got any thoughts on these? http://clarityaloft.com/
  7. Our Nynja build is at the engine cowling installation stage. I'd welcome suggestions on the best option for quick release fastners DZUS or Camloc or ??? and where to source them? I've read the thread "Dzus spring loaded cowl fastenings for a savannah cowl" but still undecided. Also any thoughts on the preferred positioning of headphone sockets? Lower dash? Between or under seats? Above and behind pilot/passengers head on tu7 tube??
  8. Thanks for your informative posts Mike. Most helpful for me as a newbie builder. Enjoying the project.😀
  9. The owner of a Kauai powered-glider tour business and a passenger are presumed dead after their small sport aircraft crashed yesterday in the ocean off Kauai's south shore. http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/hawaiinews/20110216_2_lost_in_crash_of_ultralight_craft.html
  10. Ultralight aircraft crash on Big Island kills two » Big Island Video News Kealakekua, Hawaii- A pilot and sole passenger aboard an ultralight aircraft that crashed into Kealakekua Bay on Wednesday morning have both been killed. Police say 38-year-old Tedd Robert Hecklin, owner of Tedd’s Flying Adventures in Kailua-Kona, and his female passenger, 37-year-old Kathryn Grace Moran of Kailua-Kona, were recovered from the scene and pronounced dead at Kona Communtiy Hospital. Police say they were the only people on the flight. The Fire Department received a report of the crash at 9:36 a.m., 20 minutes after the Airborne Outback XT-912 SST Tundra micro-light aircraft departed from the Kona airport. Police say eyewitnesses on commercial boat tours in Kealakekua Bay said the aircraft was banking left when they heard a loud popping sound, observed the aircraft’s wing fold up and then saw the plane fall into the ocean.
  11. Must be about time someone flew the other way - Oz to UK. Any takers?
  12. Thats great news - well done Ray. Looking forward to mutual aviation pleasures ;)
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