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graham brown

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Everything posted by graham brown

  1. Many thanks. I will probably go the Bolly too. I will retrieve my plane from Bathurst this weekend with an old prop I have restored. Same issue, many stone chips! My prop strike was minimal and I did not know it was damaged until I shut down. I did notice going down the ditch though. Motor was at idle and did not make any noise. I will check the flange and the run in/out. I will come up and check yours out before I do it. Also need to check out your undercarriage fairing again.
  2. Hi Kevin. I’m looking for a new prop after destroying mine in a ditch at Bathurst. Mine is close to the ground so something not too long maybe. Wood is good for the motor when this happens so I am reluctant to go glass. How does the bolly perform?
  3. I fly the Bylong and Widden valley on a regular basis. There are strips at Jerry’s Planes, Widden and Bylong as well as paddocks in the valleys. You need to be able to always glide to a safe area to land. Stay high. The last bit near Rylstone is a bit trickey. Have to be conscious of which way to go if in trouble. Forward or back along the route.
  4. Here we go Discussion paper - Voluntary fitment of ADS-B technology in VFR aircraft (DP 1701AS) - Civil Aviation Safety Authority - Citizen Space
  5. Flarm is very low power and has a range of 3km. 10km with very good antennae. VFR traffic could do with a cheap ads-b in and out device so we have an aid for see and avoid.
  6. The 4 cyl Jab pushes the Cheetah along ok. I just delivered the red and white one with stars from Taree to Cowra. It cruised at 100 to 110knts. New owner has that grin that most get after flying them.
  7. I saw one of these under construction at Temora and it looks great. Single seater though. https://flywithspa.com
  8. Sorry to hear you have given up on the Morgan. As you say it’s a great plane and I have 100 hours on mine now and I enjoy it a lot. The only bit I should add to the above comments is keep the power off on approach. The plane will not land with any power on and will fly the whole length of the strip with anything above idle.
  9. I have had 2 mechanical fuel pump failures on my Camit 3300 both in the first 2 hours of operation. In both cases the electric was enough to get me back without trouble. Not sure of the failure mechanism but probably stuck diaphragm due to the weaker spring or mis alignment. No troubles since and I now have 100 hours. Occasionally there is some venting when I have both pumps on for landing and no power is used. I usually turn off the electric on landing now to prevent it.
  10. It was a jet powered glider and it was on fire on downwind. Double check any fuel leaks you suspect. A dear friend lost. RIP
  11. GFA ops and airworthiness will do a report for exec officer ops. The investigation will get published by GFA and summarised by the EO ops in the magazine.
  12. All said above about the glider, gliding and the pilot is true. I have instructed in the ask21 for many years and it is very stable with no vices, does not spin easily and stalls normally. The pilot was of the highest calibre and it makes you wonder if it has happened to Jeremy then it could happen to me. Speculation on this one is not helping anyone to deal with it as we know standards of the glider and pilot could not be higher. The speculation is unfortunately offensive. Please let this be for a while until some facts come out.
  13. Hopefully more freedom. I think the controllers like the rest of us are getting more work load not less so hopefully leave us alone. With adsb it has the integrity levels Nic,nac,sil etc and accordingly atc can ignore various levels. The proposed vfr adsb will be designed to TSO c199 but not certified so this should mean they are cheaper. Also the integrity levels will be set low but not zero so they can be filtered out by atc but not tcas and adsb in. Some of the manufactures have units all in a box with adsb in that Bluetooth to your phone or efis. Air to air is the benefit for us like flarm. We wait for the price!
  14. Indeed it will be. In fact Airservices check their radars with adsb now. It is proposed that vfr adsb can use commercial gps/gnss and the surveillance integrity level can be set at 1 which means TCAS can use it.
  15. I agree it's about airspace. Restricted airspace, lowering class e airspace, regional airlines saying its unsafe to fly in class g with pesky other vfr traffic. A low cost vfr adsb will go someway to protect our access to airspace and also provide assistance to see and avoid. ATC are not needed. Non mandatory is key as most class g airspace has no one in it. If you fly in a busy area it might be a good idea to fit one for your own safety. Authorities mandating it usually costs us a fortune and the safety benefits are not there.
  16. VFR adsb will be non mandatory so it won't be needed in class g airspace. However the value I see in class g airspace is air to air visibility like flarm but you also alert the regional airlines, air ambulances and the other fast guys. Enigma's devices are good and will probably compete when the standard is put out by casa. They will be competing with the other manufacturers so the price may have to come down. They are well before the times and I hope they make it. Government has not supported any technology in 20 years and this is why we dig up coal, iron ore and export gas at ever diminishing prices. Very discouraging!
  17. Where this goes will depend on the cost and the benefits. VFR ADSB will take away the need for Airservices to keep secondary radar going saving them $ in the future. However I don't think any subsidy will happen. C mode transponders will work until the secondary radars are shut down and this should be a way off. However they are shutting down ndb and vor now. The ASTRA proposal is for a low powered, low cost, non mandatory standard. Low cost being the same cost as a vhf radio but that will be set by the market. C199 the standard for the units allows commercial gps units which will keep the costs down. The benefits will be everyone can see you and if you fit adsb in you can see them. I have flarm in my glider however the range is short and only flarm can see it. Mobile phone network based solutions such as oz runways etc are restricted too. All IFR aircraft are adsb equiped now and Airservices have installed an adsb ground receiving network so it's the way we are going in this GPS improved world.
  18. Morgan Sandercock is an Australian glider pilot and has been involved in the Perlan project for a while. Great achievement!
  19. The report was not balanced in my opinion. The previous victims husband advocating caveats on the pilots property will kill this charity. The guys who do it have a few bob I suggest so they have lots to lose. Why would they continue to do it now? All they people will now have to drive 1000's of km and suffer.
  20. Good idea or start a thread. "What are you doing with your Morgan." I'll be taking mine to South Grafton soon to see Kev. I think he is replacing flywheel bolts at the moment.
  21. ADSB has been implemented in Australia on 1090 MHz and it has been mandated for all IFR aircraft. UAT, the USA, system will not work in Australia so don't buy it. Some vfr aircraft in Australia have installed adsb but the equipment is very expensive. ADSB for vfr aircraft in Australia will be non mandatory so it has to be priced well so the benefits can be justified. Relaxed standards for the devices, their installation and maintenance is required to achieve this. The greatest benefit for vfr flight is an aid to see and avoid. You need both adsb in and out for this and then you see others and be seen. The manufacturers are gearing up for this now with new products. See uavionix web site for example. Small adsb out devices can be put on drones so they can be seen by Adsb in and TCAS. CASA and industry are working on vfr adsb in Australia now. UK have already come out with their system which is a conspicuity system, be seen and they will avoid you. USA has gone UAT with data uplink for weather etc but is very expensive for the ground system. All of the rest of the world so far has gone 1090mhz for adsb with one ground system. ADSB uses an S mode transponder and to get access to some airspace you need a transponder. You won't need a separate transponder if you have ADSB.
  22. https://www.atsb.gov.au/media/4126629/ar-2012-128_final.pdf Here is the link to the report. Very low percentage of them alerting amsa. However they do save lives. Tracking devices would help. Hope he is found soon.
  23. The requirement for indemnity insurance in this instance where you fly at your own risk and cannot get access to the calculations is not right. How can you make a judgement?
  24. There is a placard on 19 registered aircraft that says it hasn't be built to standards so you fly in it at your own risk. This is fine but to deny an engineer to tell you what he/she has calculated, which is what the litigation does, is wrong.
  25. I hope you get someone Ray. I would be interested in the calculated numbers. The Morgan designs have proven to be strong but the numbers would be good to know.
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