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Everything posted by Timbgy

  1. Thanks Peter and Frank, hopefully Bernieh is following this thread.
  2. Are both these men PPC instructors?
  3. Bernieh, the closest instructor I could find a few months ago was Mal Christie at Watts Bridge just out of Toogoolawah. Someone else may have started to instruct up north since then, lets hope so. Cheers Tim
  4. Thanks Nashy, good to see some more in the country. I hit the wrong key in the previous post, fuel burn should be 15 lph , will go up once I start taking passengers. Cheers Tim
  5. Have eventually got about 10 hours on the Steel Breeze. Some minor adjustments of the riser positions (from factor setting ) to get straight flight, using 52" and 48" risers. Climb is good with 1 bum (90kg), full fuel (45ltrs) and nil wind about 500 fpm with a box 500 wing, can cruise level at 4950 rpm (582 blue head),GSC prop set at 13 degrees, burning around 12 lph. It has made me a much better weather reader in a very short time. Will try and add a couple of short you tube clips, not much and quality is not very good. Best in full screen. Cheers Tim
  6. Found some of the old girl.
  7. Thanks for the info vanderlay. If my memory is correct BJL only had about 4500 TT when we sold her, not much for a 1969 model.
  8. Had a look at the photo, she's had a paint job and new prop. Bit rough calling it a hack. Thanks Sue.
  9. Thanks rgmwa, forgot about the register, thats a start, see where we end up.
  10. Not sure if I,m in the right thread but will try. Sold my C-182 BJL in May 1995 to a sky diving crew from some where in NSW. Its a long shot but just wondering if anyone may have seen the old girl or even jumped out of it. Cheers Tim
  11. Thanks GG, the change at the top may help, time will tell. Deskpilot, yes it is a GSC 64 inch wooden prop and is ground adjustable, running it at 12.5 degrees at the moment and I am getting 6300 rpm tops on the ground. From what I can find out this about right and will get some more rpm once air bourne. paulh hope I never have to test out the frame work. The other good thing about the tandem setup is we do not have to worry about CofG, either one up or two and fuel etc. Cheers Tim
  12. Finished Steel Breeze, engine has a couple of hours on it, off to get my licence on the 6th June at Watts Bridge.
  13. Thanks Nashy, the next steps may take a while to get it registered etc, still to get my licence so there is no rush. Will be had with it sitting in the shed ready to go though.
  14. Have been waiting on a couple of parts from the States which have arrived so have done a little more, nearly ready to weigh and a engine to run in.
  15. Thanks Maj
  16. Can anyone tell me if the temp of the 2 stroke oil entering the engine will make any difference to performance. This is on a 582.
  17. Yes Fred one reason I went with the Steel Breeze was because of its welded moly frame. Years of mustering in basalt country on 4 wheelers and not major frame damage makes me feel a little safter if I have to put it down in tiger country, hope I never have to try it out. Cheers Tim
  18. Morning GG, yes back seat is the fuel tank. Have had a few question this set up, ( regarding sitting on a roto molded fuel tank ) I have then asked do you ride a quad, answer yes, whats the tank made from, end of concern. You are not wrong about the old 3 wheeled ATV's, deadly. Could be tradition, not many 4 wheeled aircraft about, less drag, better visibility from the front seat, who knows. Will post some more photos as I go, the back wheels are not the right ones have tundr's to go on eventualy. Cheers Tim
  19. Morning Gnarly Gnu First I must point out that I am a 0 hour Powered Parachute pilot, but have been following them for a number of years as a tool for mustering, now out of the cattle game, just want to fly for fun. From what I can gather and seeing both wings in action at Melbourne the other day the box will be slower in staight speed and a little slower to respond from inputs, over all more docile. Safety, always felt this had a lot to do with who was in command, again from someone who is on no hours, the ground work looks a little harder to get the wing setteled above you but once airbourne safety will be simular with both types. Others with more experience may have differant pionts of veiw which would be good to hear. Once I start to build will try and put some photos up, will be a while before I can get a licence done. Cheers Tim
  20. Have just been flying in Melbourne, had 3 days of perfect weather. Got to go in both a Steel Breeze and the Summit, both machines are fitting with elliptical wings. I was surprised how good the preformance was with both machines, very stable, good climb rate with two up . The Steel Breeze in the flesh is much bigger and robust then it appears in photos, also welds and finish are of a very high quality. My Steel Breeze is on its way North now, looking forward to putting it together and getting the ball rolling. Found a freight company in Melbourne that went out of their way to help me and at a good price, guess it pays to look around. Tim
  21. Morning Graeme, yes and no, machine arrived in Australia just before christmas but have not had a chance to get to Melbourne to pick it . Looked at freighting it home but because of its size, just wider than a standard pallet and 2 long, freight companys want more than I want to pay to get it here. January is a busy month so hope to make it south, weather permitting in February. As you can see she is Laura Palmered in Melbourne. Have you finished your build. Tim
  22. Thanks Fred and ave8rr, see where we go from here. Cheers.
  23. Morning All, update time . Steel Breeze has left the States. Funny what you do when you have too much time on your hands but have been tracking the ship its on with a ship finder web site. All going well will dock in Melbourne on the 8/12. With this in mind need to start to look for com gear, this will have been done to death on here I feel but here goes. From experience what brand of radios are value for money, what works better in powered parachutes hand held or hard wired, also looking to have UHF coms. While on the subject what helmets are comfortable and reliable, I know there are many and the skies the limit on price but best to ask those who have used them before I purchase any. Thanks.
  24. Sounds like a good idea. I'm sure we could get the gryo boys to drop in.
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