Hi all,
I finally finished the reconstruction of my Thruster SG85 single seater, which I never flew before.
Test flight was done by a very experienced L2, who said the aircraft is beautiful, but the ailerons are bit heavy.
I took it up myself and yes, they do feel heavy.
I had a good experience in Thruster T500, Lightwing 912 NW and TW, Drifter, Jabiru 230D and Jabiru 170.
I have never experienced such heavy ailerons in my 350 hours flight life.
The feeling is like something is holding the stick, it goes to center, but I must help it.
The rudder and elevator work perfectly and very nicely to work with.
I am suspecting those push-pull Teleflex Morse Cables, when on ground however, they do not offer much resistance.
Any ideas ?