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Everything posted by maulonir

  1. Hi mate, you can find 8mm banjo fittings on ebay that will suit. Cheers Rob
  2. Mackay rubber makes 17 mm heater hose thats fits perfect. 16mm hose is to small IMHO as the tails on the fittings are18mm diametre. I tried 16mm hose and it just didn't look right to me stretched over the 18m tails. Cheers Rob
  3. I bought the Vority Dual USB car charger from Amazon after someone on this site recommended it. I run my GPS off it with no radio interference unlike the previous usb chargers I had tried. Rob
  4. Preload for the friction torque or for the slipper clutch? Rob
  5. Do any fuel injected aircraft motors run mech pumps?
  6. Russ, Lloyd with the RV6 at Mundoo has a Dynavibe type balancer. I can pass on his Ph number if you don't already have it. Cheers Rob
  7. Thanks Ozzie, Somewhere quiet is always preferable.
  8. Something closer to Arlie would be better but Bowen would be Ok.
  9. Russ, anywhere within an hour or so of Arlie beach. I have a couple of students in the area so was going to try to go to them and do the training in a block if I can find a suitable strip
  10. Hello All, I am just wondering if anyone knows of any Airstrips in the greater Whitsunday area that would permit Gyroplane training? Cheers Rob
  11. As Kevin says its getting there. The RH wing is 90% rebuilt, just need to do the fairings at the wing/ fuse join, still need to check the internals on the LH wing and modify the nose wheel. I will probably change it back to its original design. Cheers Rob
  12. I use Mackay hose. P/N HH1752 is a 2 metre roll of straight hose, 17.5mm ID which does all the stright ones and I use CH3752 for the 90 degree hose from the header tank, I by online from ezi auto spares, all up about $40 rob
  13. Kyle, Try the Gyro forum ASRA.org.au. A regular forumite 'Chopper Reid' recently replaced both black boxes on his gyro, he might still have the old ones, the thread was titled 'Rotax 912 breakdown' Regards Rob
  14. There is an RV up North here with a rotary in it that is putting out around 160hp. The guy tells me power to weight and fuel burn to HP it is allot better that an equivalent HP lyc or Cont engine, also cost to maintain is ridiculously cheaper as well not only parts but because it's not a certified engine he does the maintenance himself. I've had a look at set up and it is a neat little engine fuel injected with a planetary drive type reduction on it. I really liked it. Rob
  15. Gyrocopters trailer well, they also take up very little room in a hangar. Rob
  16. Thanks Frank Rob
  17. hello all, Could someone explain the difference between 28 and 19 registered aircraft? I've read some information of both types but can't really any difference between them. I'm from the gyro world so not up to speed on the fix wing types. Regards Rob
  18. Hello Maj, I have to agree with you and with respect, a plane doesnt have a rotor head so yes, there is that difference. My inference too the similarities between fixed and rotor wing accidents was the common theme of pilot error, poor maintenance, complacency etc. Of the four control loss accidents I am thinking of, three would have been avoided if the faults were picked up in the pre flight. Of these three incidents, two where directly linked to maintenance carried out prior to the flight and one was a design fault. The fourth remains unknown as the machine came down in a water way and was never recovered, the pilot swam away unharmed. OldK, They have done some BRS trials in the USA with jettisoning rotor heads/blades, not sure of the success though. Rob
  19. Yes it was an MTO Sport, ASRA are assisting with the investigation. With regard to Home built Vs Factory built, I cant say I agree with the generalisation that factory built are much safer than Home Built. The quality and finish of the new bath tub style machines that are on the market are excellent and it has opened up the world of Gyro's to people who shyed away from building their own machine. Statiscally I would guess there are more homebuilt gyro's out there at the moment than factory built so perhaps this would be represented in the accident stats. That is just my gut feel without looking at the figures. The causes of accidents in gyros both factory or home built are varied and would not be too dissimmilar to those causes found in fixed wings accidents with the exception of wing stall of course.
  20. Hello Blue, I'm not really sure what you mean by the question 'is it just a case of home builts being over represented' I can think of four accidents involving loss of rotor control through the detachment of the cyclic to the rotor head at some point along the control system. 3 of which were fatal. One was a home built, one was a kit built and two were factory built. There were differing reason for the loss of control which I won't go into. Hopefully the investigation will uncover the reason for this accident.
  21. My condolances to the famly and friends of the pilot and passenger. To answer your question Bluey an engine out landing in a gyro should be a non event, loss of rudder control is also not an issue. Loose of control off the rotor though and you can quickly become a passenger. Gyro's can land on a 10cent piece and also at very low speeds however if you have to put down in thick scrub its always going to get messy. Rob
  22. G'day Maj, I am currently fitting the pink machine with the 912 you put me onto. I built a single seater to keep me in the air while I did the change over. Still have a bit of work to do before the pink machine is ready to fly again. Hi Frank, When I finish fitting a prerotator to the single seater I will drop in. regards Rob
  23. Gday Frank, In case you were wondering who buzzed your strip in a gyo a few weeks back it was me in my recently buillt single seater. Last time I was up your way I was flying the pink 2 seat machine. Rob
  24. Hi Farri, So Wayne finaly got signed off. Thats good news. Rob
  25. maulonir

    Rotax 618

    Hi, I have 290 hrs on the 618 in my gyro and no problems. It gets worked pretty hard too, cruise at between 5800 & 6000 rpm. Rob
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