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Aussie Steve

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Everything posted by Aussie Steve

  1. very interesting Papa. Especially because I have lots of Areodromes saved onto my GE and they all show up with your additions. Thx
  2. A sad day in aviation history. But also the dawn of a new era. The Pigs copped a lot of flak in the early days of there lives and turned out to be the best long range strike bombers besides "The Bone" (B1) I,m sure that the Lightning II JSF will be a good thing once they hit the skys and some in service development come thru. I,m going to miss the Pigs. Well done to all who served with them and Thankyou for your professionalism and dedication that made them unique on our behalf The King is dead...Long live the King F-111 fire in the night sky | Fraser Coast Art and Theatre | Artists, Galleries and Festivals in Fraser Coast | Fraser Coast Chronicle
  3. [ATTACH]12450.vB[/ATTACH] Mt Warning, shot from Murwillumbah Aerodrome. NSW. Australia
  4. If you want an up to date strip report on YKAT, just give Rod a call.His mobile number is in ERSA [YKAT] Dont think he,s there this weekend as he is driving to Bundy to pick up a set of wings for his Jab, but he,ll let you know what the strips like atm.
  5. Onboard Crocodile Involved In Congo Crash? The story of a crocodile getting loose in the cabin of a Let L-410 Turbolet and precipitating a 20-fatality crash on short final in the Democratic Republic of Congo was widely published Thursday, and does not match earlier reports. According to the new story from Telegraph.co.uk, testimony from the lone survivor of the Aug. 25 crash has led investigators to believe the smuggled crocodile escaped a carry-on "sports bag" at the rear of the cabin, motivating passengers to charge the cockpit in panic. The aircraft was on short final at the time, and the sudden transfer of weight, according to the Telegraph, sent the plane "off-balance" and caused the crash. One passenger, and the crocodile, survived, according to the Telegraph. The crocodile was then killed by rescuers with a machete, the newspaper said. Early reports of the crash universally did not include a crocodile but did suggest more familiar possibilities. Among them is a French language news report that includes an earlier account of the survivor's testimony -- sans crocodile. The crash aircraft, a 19-passenger Let L-410 Turbolet, a high-wing, twin-engine turboprop, struck an unoccupied house within roughly 100 meters of its destination, the regional airport at Bandundu. An early report dated the day of the crash states the aircraft crashed "after an abortive attempt to land." It noted "there was no explosion" and quoted a local politician who said, "Subject to expert opinion ... the presumed cause could be a lack of fuel." There was no mention of a crocodile. An Aug. 27 report published in French said the aircraft's operator, FilAir, rejected reports of fuel starvation. According to that account, FilAir spokesman John Mbu said, "Because after checking, there were at least 150 liters of kerosene in the tanks." That translates to about 40 gallons for an aircraft with a normal fuel burn of about 90 gallons per hour. According Mbu, the sole survivor at that time said the pilot was to land on an emergency strip next to the runway. When the aircraft was on final, the passengers saw the nose was not lined up with the runway, they shouted, and [strictly translated] all of them went into the cockpit. :black_eye: c/o AvWeb
  6. Its very important that the GA guys take up this most genorous offer by BAL and show them that they,re enthused by the offer. This could well be a test. If they do not take advantage of it, BAL will say "We cant even give away free Landing Fees to these blokes, lets continue with Plan A and get rid of the aviators and sell off the joint." Imagine the frenetic activity there if they had a RAAus fly in weekend, free of any fees! I,m sure we could show our enthusiastic side and say..We,ll use it if they wont !
  7. In two decisions handed down last week, Canada's Supreme Court confirmed that airports fall under federal jurisdiction exclusively, a decision heralded by aviation supporters. "This is a great day for Canadian aviation," said Kevin Psutka, president of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association. "This issue has been debated for decades." The two court decisions cited attempts by municipal and provincial governments to restrict aviation activities. Such conflicts have become "unrelenting" in recent years, Psutka said. In one case, Quebec land owners were operating a landing strip and hangar on protected agricultural land, and provincial authorities told them to remove the hangar and the runway. The other case involved a seaplane operation based at a floating dock, which municipal authorities said conflicted with regulations protecting the lake. In its decision the Court said that Canada's Federal Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Air Regulations are permissive and allow Canadians to construct private aerodromes without applying for prior permission. The Court said there is no essential difference between smaller aerodromes and larger national or international airports. The Court then concluded: "This view reflects the reality that Canada's airports and aerodromes constitute a network of landing places that together facilitate air transportation and ensure safety." (c/o AvWeb) Should be the same here. What do you reckon guys?
  8. I wanna see a video of one of you blokes actually flying into YKAT to pick up the goods ok!
  9. Gday Dave, I,m thinking about heading out to the airport on Sat for a look and to do some draught sealing on the Gazelle. Might see you there if your going to be around. I,ll be over at the hanger. 1st street 2nd hanger (green one) opposite Ward Air hanger
  10. We,re pilots...we,re supposed to love check lists ! I myself dont have a problem with them, I prefer to use them and know that I haven,t missed something. To think that you dont need one, is to become complacent and over confident. A dangerous attitude indeed.
  11. Yeah sorted it out Dave. you must register to listen. the opening links only appear if you are registered. i,m only interested in a YBTH CTAF freq. can you set it up so thats all you hear?
  12. OK ..I click on ""Air Traffic Bathurst . the only active things there are Bathurst Airport info / Bathurst Webcam / Bathurst 1000 NOTAM then it has all the freq...none of these are clickable. Do I have to join or something ? all a bit clunky...should be point and click...and enjoy. :confused:
  13. I cant hear anything Dave.. you have a link to the YBTH CTAF but it,s not an active link...???
  14. Good work Tomo ! some really gr8 shots mate. Thx for bringing Dalby to those of us who couldnt make it... Next year hopefully.
  15. I think your right Destiny, Horse & Turbo. It had crossed my mind,(RAAus and CASA not being political advocates) however, I do agree that our state RAAus Members should lobby State Gov and or Federal members on our behalf IF the general concenus of our membership request such action.
  16. Your absolutley right Turbo, some times you have to actually vote against your preferred candidate so as to get it into a marginal seat and then jump up and down, but then you must be organised and mobilise the troops. This should be where RAAus and AOPA should be acting. Great response guys. There are some very good replies here. It is passion in what you believe in, when it comes to your "quality time out" pursuits that gets you fired up. After all, thats why we work our guts out all week so we can follow our dreams on the weekend with our mates and familys. We dont want to see any erosion of that dream.
  17. I havent noticed any thoughts on our political views as yet. "Whats in it for us ?" Which one of these parties can at least have some kind of policy that we can vote for ? We,re running out of time. Are RAAus or AOPA banging their fists on the table or what ? We want policies that will safeguard our current and future investments. Who can we vote for ? :confused:
  18. The current edition of AOPA,s magazine "Pilot" has a very interesting article "Fuel for thought" on the alternative Engines and Fuels. We all need to get up to speed on the subject as this will effect most of us in the the very near future. Its not looking good for people with big radials or warbirds that demand the use of Avgas. I fear the days of seeing them flying are numbered. 100LL is likely to be banned by 2017 I have posted a video link in the "Video Forum" on Lycomings answer to the crisis.
  19. I must say that reading the Crash Comic article on the Concorde crash made me feel sick! Those poor pilots didnt have a chance and you can feel how they must have been aware of the inevitable outcome as it all went to S### in something like 3 mins. They never stood a chance
  20. <style></style>In view of the impending demise of 100LL (Avgas), this is Lycomings new engine set-up to address the problem from the GA perspective, still not certified at this stage. However a step in the right direction. The current edition of AOPA,s magazine "Pilot" has a very interesting article "Fuel for thought" on the alternative Engines and Fuels. We all need to get up to speed on the subject as this will effect most of us in the the very near future. 100LL is likely to be banned by 2017
  21. Fantastic pics RG...thx for posting it.
  22. Gday Chris, I go from Long Reef across to the lane at Hornsby (via the Bahi temple) down to Prospect and then direct to YKAT See Sydney Pilot Guide Pages 58-59 http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/pilots/download/sydney.pdf Have a nice trip mate..hope the weather improves by then i_dunno
  23. Cheers Rob, its a beautiful looking spot and looks just the spot for a nice quite bit of shut eye. I,ll be flying out from Bathurst so about an Hour in the Gazelle. Probably a bit chilli out there at the moment, will have to pick my day when its a bit warmer me thinks. Hope to drop in on you one day soon also at Goulburn. Taking Wifey via Gouldburn to the Gong for lunch and then home via Victor 1- Katoomba- Bathurst. I,ll let you know, maybe we can meet up at the Gong. Thanks again Rob for the info.
  24. Is anyone here on the forum familiar with YCRL ? I wish to fly in there to have a day in town and just look around, grab some lunch and take some photos.They have a few fantastic old buildings there. What condition is the strip in ? How far out of town is it, and is it very hilly into town (re push bike or walk?) Can I contact the owner of the hanger there ? (re all of the above) Have checked it out on Google Earth/Maps but is better to hear it from someone who has actually been in there. Cheers
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