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Aussie Steve

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Everything posted by Aussie Steve

  1. Congrates Dave...now I get to share the circuit with yet another RA PIC Awesome mate.. you know that now everyone will be out with the score cards critiqing your landings :ah_oh:
  2. Fantastic Pete. Glad you could tick that one off ! Victor 1 is definately the jewel in the Sydney flying crown. Closely followed by the Grand Canyon / Katoomba YKAT in the Blue Mountains NSW.
  3. There was a 10 kt crosswind blowing. Lee (Cutler) ? was the pilot and Eric from Smartair was the Instructor, using the Bathurst Aero Club 182 http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=475&name=night-circuits-ybth
  4. Thx Ian. I was lucky enough to get the last unbound ERSA at Concept. I only use the unbound version anyway. I like to be able to remove the pages I need whilst flying. Saves having to find them again if the book closes and I can put the page in my knee board. Yeah Dazza, I,ve heard some interesting (see scary) stories of guys who have been using 5 year old ERSA and are whinging that they are supposed to update now for the class D changes.
  5. Ian I presume the WACs I got off you this week are updated ones yeah? It was the reason I left it till now to get them.
  6. Well done Seeker, I have just completed my Cross-Country Endorsement. It,s a good feeling when you kick some personal goals isnt it ? Thats the thing about aviation... only YOU can make it happen. Very rewarding
  7. I was hoping to get out there Sat if possible, but it looks like finances dictate that it will be next weekend. Hope the weather clears for you mate,looking a bit crappy at the moment.
  8. Gday Chris, I,m taking some hols next week and would like to shoot out to YBTH to do some familiarisation training on the 230. Do you operate thru the week? Cheers. Steve
  9. Good job Merv. Glad everyone is ok. This does bring up a point that I am a firm believer of myself. That is the point that a couple of the guys have already stated, and that is about NOT trying to nail the landing onto the piano keys. If you encounter ""wind shear"" on late final, as I did, you want runway under your bum ! I just clipped a marker and bent a landing gear leg on a Texan and scared the you now what out of me. Also those pilots flying Gazelles, make sure that your planes landing gear is ""Regularly"" inspected ""INSIDE"" the covers on the rubber blocks. They are fairly hard to inspect casually. you have to drill out the rivets to move them a little bit to actually see inside. The steel rods come away from the rubber and you,ll have a collapse that will look just like the pics earlier. They are not a long wearing item.
  10. I sat my Nav & Met Exam last Sunday and passed with a 91% mark It was interesting to note that quite a few questions (about 12) have been removed in regards to the now obsolete CTAFR and class G regs. I have now only a final solo nav to complete
  11. Gday Gav, welcome mate. Its great to have another YKAT pilot onboard. Here,s a couple of links for the place, and some of my vids and pics. And for anyone wanting to come in to YKAT. All info is in ERSA. Please take the time to read it, we have LEFT and RIGHT hand circuits. All welcome PS. I passed my X-country exam on Sunday after you left. Cheers Steve Katoomba Airfield Medlow Bath YKAT Katoomba Airfield pictures by Aussie_Steve01 - Photobucket
  12. I,ll catch up with you one day soon Chris, I,d like to to do some ""On Type"" training in the 230. Sure is a great set up you have. Sorry I didnt get a chance to chat about it. Our time there was realtively short and you guys seemed busy with someone most of the time. I,m hoping to be out to YBTH again soon. (well as soon as the weather improves at least)
  13. Excellent team!! doing a great job Flightygirl. I really like the fixed camera Ultra. Maybe next time you could back up the shot a bit so we can see the pilots at work ? How have you mounted the camera?
  14. The thing that has everyone so fired up, is that it was an article published in a magazine. Out there in the public domain were it is put across as gospel. The Editor obviously thinks that Rec Pilots dont read any Aviation magazines, and if they do..who cares what they think. Sad but fairly typical of the bias against our movement. Why do you think the Controlled Airspace Endorsement got knocked on the head? There was an outcry from a very small but influentual group. On the whole GA/RAAus thing ? ""If we dont hang out together....surely we will hang together""
  15. A great day was had at YMDG on May 23 with a Fly-In put on by the Coonabarabran Aero Club in conjunction with the Mudgee Aero Club. I went as part of the Bathurst Aero Club which consisted of about 6 planes. I flew out of Bathurst with Fred in the Streak Shadow, and after a fantastic day and feed, made the return trip to YBTH with Doug in his Decathlon. Some vids and pics of the day. Doug and Patrick arriving with the Decathlon at YMDG Mudgee Flyin May 2010 :: Decathlon video by Aussie_Steve01 - Photobucket Fred and Pat departing YMDG Mudgee Flyin May 2010 :: Freddie video by Aussie_Steve01 - Photobucket Doug and I departing YMDG Mudgee Flyin May 2010 :: Take-off video by Aussie_Steve01 - Photobucket Arriving at YBTH cross strip 08 Mudgee Flyin May 2010 :: Landing video by Aussie_Steve01 - Photobucket
  16. going to the Mudgee fly in today, as part of BAC (Bathurst Aero Club) flying there in either C182 or Streak Shadow out of YBTH.
  17. Hey Dex, mate its real sad to see your baby looking so poorly after having spotted it in the RAA mag, I presumed it was you. We flew in there on the Sat, didnt spot you there however one of our guys did say they saw a yellow Gazelle there on Friday? Just good to know both of are ok.Hope it hasnt scared your Pax off sport flying. Thx for the reply, Cheers
  18. Gday Destiny, We have just recently had a major prob with our Gazelle. The fuel tank sealant has started to breakdown and was found in the fuel sample. We had just flown to NATFLY and back to Katoomba and was about a week later, to do some local flying when found. The tanks have since been removed and must be De-sealed and Re-sealed, along with the undercarrige suspension units.(not related) A fairly expensive operation! Considering a brand new donk was only put in last October. An interesting point also being that Avgas has been predominately used apart from the trip to NATFLY. The return trip was with Avgas. I worry about Ethanol in PULP.Even though it shouldnt have any. We are now using the newer style fuel sampler and checking for Ethanol. Glad your ok.. Could you let me know if your ship is to be scrapped. However...I,ve seen worse repaired. Cheers mate
  19. Looking forward to seeing them also mate
  20. Mike and I had a fantastic flight out from YKAT. Conditions were perfect. 2.5 hrs at 6500ft aprox 70kts. The over night sleep was pretty annoying with the wind at probably around 20 kts. The following days departure was marred by a NBG magneto. After some help from Mick Poole and another extremely helpful L2 we found a cracked wire from the master switch that was earthing out on a brcket. After a bumpy departure we climbed to a safer altitude 7500 and had a pretty good trip to south of Bathurst when the cloud got very interesting and we had to get down to 6500 all the way back into YKAT. Loved it all, sorry we didnt get to the RecFly tent. We didnt actually realise were it was until Sunday and looked like it was closed...maybe next year. NATFLY Temora inflight video by Aussie_Steve01 - Photobucket
  21. Cool ! Thx guys, didnt notice that. Cya there
  22. I,m going from Katoomba in a Gazelle. Hope the weather clears for us all, not looking too good at the moment. Hope to catch up with some of you. Will there be a stall set up by the forum?
  23. What a fantastic aeroplane, I,m gonna miss it ! Probably my fav. On some other aviation web sites, my tag is ""Boneyard Wrangler"" I,m a tragic fan. I was devasted when we went to Avalon last year to say goodbye, and the weather was soooo crappy it didnt fly . However...I was fortunate enough to be waiting at the airport lounge the next day, going home, and watched 2 of them depart and 1 abort his t/o after doing his run up.
  24. You Lucky Lucky bar steward :)
  25. Got my puter up and going mate. Have been out of town on and off for the last few days. Home for a week now. Have to study for my final X Country exam and Nav Ex. Hope the weather clears up for me. I,ll have a look at your flight planner if I can work out where to find it here :)
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