Gday Diamond,
In regards to the 310, its current owner is Tony Wheeler.
I,m not sure of the rego I have posted in the next reply a pretty awful pic of it (taken on a crappy mobile ph) as Zedman stated, he is the franchise holder of the Katoomba NRMA (I,m not sure about Bowral) the 310 is a family "airloom" and was his fathers, whom bought it brand new from the factory. It has been re-engined a couple of years ago, and is currently in deep service for a major service of spar inspection,s etc. There is no expense spared on this beutiful plane. It sounds awsome when he flys into YKAT every Wed morn straight over my house at Leura on his way to join the circuit then gets the pitch on ( or is it off ??).
Missing it these days while its out of service for the next 3 months.