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Aussie Steve

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Everything posted by Aussie Steve

  1. Thx guys, pity they went to so much trouble to set up the web site & then leave it hanginglike that. :;)4: Its one of the trips I cant wait to plan
  2. Progress ?? Whats the news on the group ? The web site says they were in Geraldton in July!! have they abandoned their aircraft and caught an RPT home ?? or just stopped updating the website I hope the later.
  3. Cessna 310 at YKAT Cessna 310 at YKAT
  4. Gday Diamond, In regards to the 310, its current owner is Tony Wheeler. I,m not sure of the rego I have posted in the next reply a pretty awful pic of it (taken on a crappy mobile ph) as Zedman stated, he is the franchise holder of the Katoomba NRMA (I,m not sure about Bowral) the 310 is a family "airloom" and was his fathers, whom bought it brand new from the factory. It has been re-engined a couple of years ago, and is currently in deep service for a major service of spar inspection,s etc. There is no expense spared on this beutiful plane. It sounds awsome when he flys into YKAT every Wed morn straight over my house at Leura on his way to join the circuit then gets the pitch on ( or is it off ??). Missing it these days while its out of service for the next 3 months.
  5. Top day flying Had a magnificant day of flying today at Katoomba. Weather was glorious. Had the sky to our selves with only one "Ambulance Airservice" Huey go through, I did see two High wing G/A head into the zone probably going to Camden. We had an early visit from RAAF security, a guy and a chick dressed in civys came in a car and were very pleasant and were just making sure that the CFI and all who were flying out of YKAT were aware of the No Fly Zone. They were informed about our changes for circuits and were pleased with the arrangments. They chatted with us for about 30 mins checked out our aircraft and were gone. ;)
  6. Lots of armoured limos being flown in with the Russian planes
  7. SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR YKAT APEC WEEKEND As stated in ERSA for YKAT ( Left and Right hand circuits) Right Hand circuits for runways 06 and also for 28 will be CHANGED TO "LEFT HAND CIRCUITS" And 24 and 10 will be CHANGED TO "RIGHT HAND CIRCUITS" for the APEC week only! Due to the close proximity of the 45 nm DME which will encrouch upon the normal circuit perameters. See you there James.! better be early m8 ;) will be a que for the plane if the weather is good ;)
  8. Gday guys, hey James, without going into too much detail at this stage ( pending further investigations ) it appears he has tried to make it back to the strip and has failed to make "the impossible turn" ( NEVER TURN BACK ) It has taking the shine off a magnificant days flying (Mon) I actually succesfully completed my Flight Cert only 3 hrs before Andrew arrived, and another student (Roger) had a great session of circuits. Conditions were perfect. We,re all in shock still. Thx everyone for your words of support for Andrew & his family.
  9. Generally its a case of ." we,re mountain men & we like mountin women " But "when in Rome....." your women / planes / CFI will do fine. If you lot are too scared to come to us..we,ll have to come to you.
  10. Well I went down to your field on Sunday. Not as good a weather day as Sat. but it was good enough to get up for 0.5 with Dave in the Jabby before we were forced to end the session due to rain.. It went well. Learnt a couple of things that he does differently which I prefer. I hadn`t flown for 8 weeks and was bursting to get up again.:big_grin: Anyway it was nice to fly some where different, a bit disconcerting at first when coming back from the training area, I couldnt tell where the field was ! Paddocks everywhere !! Thats a treat.Anyway , we will probably be going back down in two weeks. It looks like I might be coming down there for a while as the new J160 that we have up here is not signed off yet (insurance etc) to get it on line. Also its waiting for some new bits that Jab have put out that have to be fitted. (jets and revised spats & something to do with the cooling arrangement) Cheers Steve
  11. Gday Bolero, Glad to see you made it over here m8. Looking forward to reading some more of your gr8 sim knowledge. I,ll have to write up a reort on the FSAP synthetic trainer I,m going to have a whirl on soon. I,m good friends with the guys there and they,ve just unveiled their latest Mk. Theres a review on it in the latest "Australian Aviation" Cheers Aussie (aka- Boneyard Wrangler :pig:
  12. Thx very much Bruce.
  13. Coming to check out The Oaks Gday Guys at the Oaks. I,m coming over there Sat 06/06 to have a look around. Our plane is out of action for a while and myself and a mate will be looking for school to continue our training. Who should we look for ? Hope to meet some of you. (weather permitting) Cheers Steve
  14. Another Vampire owner ! Gday Ultra, I just noticed you fly a Vampire, we have SV02 at Katoomba ! Its out of rego at present and is currently awaiting some new tyres. It will then go to new hangerage at Bathurst where its a bit safer to fly 2 strokes (plenty of paddocks) its a ripper little ship. Do you still fly one ? Cheers Aussie
  15. Hey Doug I think it would be cheaper to put some decent lighting in the garage m8. I guy from Wedderburn (Keith Manwaring) built most of his Ranger in his units garage. See link below. http://www.auf.asn.au/constructors/manwaring.html Let me know when you get started, Id be very interested, thx for the invite. We have a STOL Hornet under construction at Katoomba Airfield, its virtually a scratch build job, all metal. A very daunting build, and has stalled for the last 10 mths. The builders have been distracted with the purchase of a brand new J160 and the purchase of a "VERY EXCITING" G/A vintage plane :;)2: , that I cant say anymore about at this point, but everyone here is going to go ape#$@! over, when they see it. Aussie
  16. I think your right Phil. Theres a a very popular Hang Glider launch ramp out there at Mt Blackheath.We have to watch out for them on hot days, the valley there is our training area. Doug I dont know what the prob is with the links, they worked fine last night,but not working for me either.I,ll try again. Where are you building the Ranger? I,d love to have peek. Feel free to send me any detail on private msg. I organised well in advance the test flight with Tony. It was very blowy and my left arm was canning from trying to keep the thing S & L. Aussie http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/Aussie_Steve01/GASkyranger.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n249/Aussie_Steve01/100_1777.jpg
  17. Hey Doug I,m looking forward to seeing your Skyranger. I,m seriously considering one with a mate of mine. We had a good look at a VH rego one at Narromine.(See link below) I also took Tony Holthams demo ship for a fly. Nice;) http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2254&stc=1&d=1181040934 http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2255&stc=1&d=1181041267 Cheers
  18. Hey guys, thought I,d move into the General Discussion. Heres a pic of my home strip at Katoomba YKAT.. Looking down 06
  19. Sorry Doug I dont reconise the area.Looks like someone wants their own golf course eh. :)
  20. Hey Adam, yes our strip is a bit challenging, but really if you dont concentrate on the scary bits too much you dont even see them (power lines) theyre not really a problem on the main runway 06/24. I,ve been doing my shortfield landings over the wires on 28 no probs. I reckon I could land anywhere now. We just dressed the main this arvo.Still a bit undulating, but anyone who uses a bitumen strip regularly would find our strip rough. If you want bush strip practice,come to YKAT.
  21. Hey guys ! ( Daves) :) I,m very keen to hop on over to you lot. As soon as I get my Cert & then X country I,ll be there ! I have only to sit my BAK and get into the Training Area (solo) so I,m coming to the end of this extrordinary ride, with the real excitment of X Country to come ! I have an online aquaintance over there, his name is Martin. I met him thru the "Patricks Aviation" site. I listen to you guys on the radio whilst I,m doing circuits. And to answer your next question (?) yes that was our Jab that made the forced landing in the Hartley valley a couple of weeks ago. My instructor did a good job to get it down. He did say that its amazing how much slower the plane is with out the engine even idling.So remember that when your practising your "Engine Failures" in reality it will sink much faster than in simultion. Cheers Steve
  22. Gday all, good to see that the site has grown lots since I last visited. Looking forward to getting to know some other pilots.
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