I am finding this quite interesting. So way back when a bunch of guys decided it would be awsome to strap a small engine on a glorified kite and go for short hops over the paddock.Someone else has already detailed the small logical steps that have lead to our current privalages. The stronger aircraft, no need to fly overloaded, raises the issue of expectation managment in my view. When did it become 'expected' ti be able to load up a recreational aircraft with 2 big guys, gear and enough fuel to fly from Brisbane to temora in one hop, at 8500ft?
So I think it is more about the missions our aircraft are to complete. If you are doing mainly local flights with the odd nav consisting of legs less than 3 hours than what is the problem with 600kg? The aircraft are proving to be plenty strong. I have been recently hiring a tecnam with 5000hrs and it looks new. Sorry, but as has already been said, if you want to climb to 9500ft in your RV, switch on the autopilot and fly massive stretches of the country in single legs than go do that. No one is stopping you and it doesn't require a heap of additional work to be added to an already overstretched RAAus staff.
For those who argue that increases are a fact of life, when will it stop? What is the logical step when people would finally be content? I suspect that the large majority of members engoyingvthe pleasures of their Jabiru/tecnam/drifter/Savannah are quite content, they don't want anything more and that is why RAAus never hears from the large masses.