I am surprised how expensive flying RAAus is becoming. I have tried to collect some info to compare between the 80s, 90s and now. My thought was to use the data for average wage to compare the price of aircraft and hourly rates. If anyone can recall this info please let me know and I will do a comparison.
In the 90s two basic trainers where the thruster (around $20,000 new?) and the skyfox ($45,000 new?). Compare that with the new bread coming in around the $150,000.. You cannot expect that this increased cost will not be passed along to the student/hire.
Dual hours where around $75-$90/hr in the skyfox,compare that to $256/hr currently charged for dual instruction in a tecnam eaglett at Redcliffe.
Will all the advances and expensive aircraft price RAAus out of contention as an affordable option? Is there still a market for training in lower end aircraft (drifters, bantams etc) so that people can buy an affordable 50kt beast to enjoy flying?
In my short 15 year being interested in ultralights I have noticed the almost extinction of the wheeler scouts etc that where once common place. In 15 years will it be a novalty to see a drifter or bantam at natfly?