I like the reply about the male and female particles, I have always pictured them giving a high five and meeting at the other end.
It has rightfully been stated that the important part of bernoulli's work is that with increase velocity there is a decrease in surface pressure. The big link regarding a cambered (or flat plate with an AoA) and the creation of lift is why. By studying wind tunnells and tracking particles we can show that the flow does in fact move faster over the top. One interesting theory is that a circulation effect occurs around the wing.
If you watch your paddle next time you are canoeing you will see an eddy, or a starting vortex. If you read up in some reputable aerodynamics text they will outline the various things that add to slowing down the bottom flow while maybe contributing to the flow on the upper surface. This starting vortex is key in the process.
It's all interesting stuff but as pilots my opinion is that we only need to know the things that increase the lift within our control. Shape, Velocity and AoA. You could look into the movement of pressure regions in various AoA and so on but its not as fun as just getting out and flying.:big_grin:
Trust me when I say that if you really get into this stuff, including the maths, it will send you completly insane.