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old pilot

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Everything posted by old pilot

  1. You should contact the raa office the Tecnam have approval for the BOS 3 bolly prop my application has gone in I spoke to Jared on Wednesday last week
  2. I'm sure that is correct I always burp mine twice winter or summer
  3. Hi skippy diesel I operate a 912 ul in my Tecnam at 3840 ft elv at @minus 7 and minus 9 as yet have not had a problem with oil levels I run the aero shell sport plus 4 ,the oil is up to change time I might just be lucky thanks anyway
  4. Hi these tests have been in the tech manual for some time now Old pilot
  5. Hi frank That sure is the truth they were the days when flying the true ultralight was fun with not to many regs Old pilot
  6. Hi pylon 500 That is by far the best write up I have seen on this site straight to the point and the truth in every way it's such a pity the powers above hadn't seen it this way great reading Cheers Old pilot
  7. Makes no difference
  8. Hi face hunter I'm not sure how long you have been involved with the raa and auf I have with them since day one and quite a few years back rod birell our now gm tried to start a break away organisation against the then auf pane now they have him running the raa I personally would never trust him but that's just my opinion Old pilot
  9. Yes David I can believe that after what you have been saying
  10. I think he didn't do enough as you can see now he doesn't have the position what's that tell you if your doing your job as in job discription you stay employed as to the light wing rego I rest my case sat and sun for a rego
  11. A anyone that can be in a job for only 20weeks and accrues another 9.6 obviously isn't doing his job think about it
  12. There seems to be a lot of so called experts in this forum ,most people in here that do no something have forgotten more than the experts will ever get to know ,so why not just let it go and get on with what's going to count in the future no point going on about the past and of cos we all know what experts are
  13. Good on you Jim Tatlock well said
  14. David and maj if you remember I said ages he wouldn't handle the job
  15. Unless you chage your attitude it will go no where and that's why a lot of people will not attend I have flow all over oz and beyond that means nothing ,you go on a few long trips whilst out there you might get the chip off your shoulder as for my loss I don't think ,I know of lots that have and won't be going back Cheers
  16. Hi How could you say it's immaterial where the Flyin is held the further south it's held the less queenslanders that will attend and that's not really looking after the rag and tube flyers which it should be ,I have been involved with ultralight aircraft since 1980 this was even the auf were formed have owned ten of various types ,have been to all but one natfly at narromine so I think that was nine none at temora as I was against it moving to there like many others I will not be attending whilst it's there. But I do hope it goes well for you and I'm sure Dave caban will help you all he can Regards Old pilot
  17. I'm not sure where some of you guys get your info,I do agree the raa is doing well but as for ga dying come on ,I live in a small town in nsw just a quick count gives me 12 ga and 2recreational and I have one of each not sure where you get your figures mag certainly not from the casa register Old pilot
  18. Hi but it still comes back to the lames not doing there job If the corrosion has got a hold they are there to do a job and that maintains an aircraft and obviously some havnt
  19. Hi dazza I have owned many raa aircraft and ga as well and still have a 150 my lame has always checked out airframes very carefully for corrosion so SIDS wouldnt bother me at all as I assist with the annually so I can see just what he does and all lames shou D have been doing the same for the astanomical amount they charge for a annual
  20. Hi boings I'm very interested in ur aircraft would there be any chance of a few more pics and more info regards Keith
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