It is clear that RAAus Tech has gone draconian.
The level of complaints being run past me, by members, has escalated from occasional, to regular, under the current regime.
If I were to guess, I would think the Tech Manager might have escaped from a military or airline environment, and possibly, might be a true believer that there is no better way to conduct aviation.
In the past, we had been blessed with Tech Managers who were able to adapt to our futuristic, low doc, method of aviation.
The new regime is hell bent on creating a 1960's style, centralised reporting system, and micro-managing the maintenance of every aircraft (left) in the fleet.
This will enable RAAus Corp. Pty Ltd to build a decent size Tech bureaucracy, headed by a manager who ought to be worth, say, at least $300k per annum.
Our members often find it confronting to be, out of the blue, slapped with some bizarre demand from RAAus Tech. A typical example might be where rego falls due, the money is paid, and then Tech spears the transaction with a demand for something described as a "weight and balance." "Huh, I just wanted to register the plane." The member, quite reasonably, has no interest in such matters. Aircraft drops off the register and continues to fly safely, just as it always did. Another outlaw.....courtesy of RAAus Tech.
There is no excuse for the working draft of our latest Tech manual, not to be a living document posted on the RAAus web-site.
Does anyone out there, smell a rat?