Hullo qwerty.
I have put up with a fair bit of similar trouble on both 4 and 6 cyl. Jabs.
One observation is that the choke system, even when functioning correctly, in many cases struggles to enrichen the mixture sufficiently. Sorry, I have no cure. This might be a worthwhile development project for Jab, to keep us 'southerners' happy.
Make sure you are using at least the number 45 pilot jet. There might be a case for going bigger than that in southern Australia but I haven't yet explored that option.
You could do worse than to pull out all the jets plus the needle, and with them in front of you, call Jab and say "HELP!", "this combo doesn't work".
My hydraulic 2200 functioned perfectly until Jab sent a needle that was a mandatory fit ( flying school use ). That was where the trouble started. The fix was to replace the pilot, needle and even the main jet with versions having a greater flow rate.
If problems persist, it's time to bring out the big guns! I'm talking about PRE-HEAT. Jam a 2000 watt hair dryer ( Remington Salon ! ) up the guts and stuff a coupla rags in the cooling air inlets. Ten minutes of that and the whole induction system and even the cylinders will be toasty warm.