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Everything posted by nong

  1. Reckon you are confusing MX3 Inox with MX4 Lanox, both from Candan Ind.
  2. Really? Why surrender to the dictates of an insurer? Tell them to "jam it". Taste the freedom!
  3. Somebody is going to have to say this..... I think these Mario's Videos are crap. Mario is a self promoting screen hog, in my judgement. Prospective students, I think, should avoid these videos.
  4. G'day Fresno. Please don't be offended by the following. It is pretty clear that you need more training. Some of the things you said, indicate that your theory knowledge is weak. Rather than wreck the aeroplane, it would be a good idea to ask an old hand instructor, one with experience in this class of machine, to give you a full briefing on the final approach and landing phase. If you can gain a deep understanding of the process, it will lead to consistent safe landings and an ability to accurately self critique. Twenty five dodgy landings in eighteen hours is a red light! You need to tackle this now! A couple of hours intense landing practice, with your instructor, will do wonders for your skills. I suggest you make a point of getting out in a gusty cross wind, with your instructor. The instructor you choose for this job, should not be the one who taught you to fly. Should be a lot of fun! Good luck. Fred
  5. The ELT argument was settled, (on the basis of quality research) twenty years ago. That's why we use portables.
  6. They normally keep running if its only a through bolt. Next guess?
  7. Flying is a right. It is most certainly NOT a privilege allowed me by my "betters". It might surprise some to hear that there is a cohort of pilots who regard a bingle in a small aircraft as comparable to coming a gutza off a motorbike. "No biggie" if you can pick yourself up. If you can't. Well, sh!! happens. In fact, this was the prevailing attitude in the post WW2 glory days of light aviation. Fact. We are animals. As such, a little carefree joie de vivre is in order!
  8. Re: Andy When will RAAus learn to stop accepting money from CASA?
  9. I too think Turbs is close to the mark. What the sapphire jockey did was about equivalent to laying down a couple of burnouts on a public street to entertain (!) the bystanders, loosing it, and ending up in a ditch. That might be worth six months suspension and a $1,200 fine, plus $1600 for unregistered. This was not the crime of the century and he even turned out to be the victim!
  10. So, kaz3g, you say you would permanently bar a pilot from membership? If I were that pilot, I would have to fly illegally because the RAAus (by means of a disreputable act) would not accept my attempt to become legal. You can see the court defense... " I wanted to go legal, your Worship, but they wouldn't let me. They said I was out for ever." Two big threats to natural justice for members in the RAAus system are: 1) being accused by the RAAus kangaroo court of "bring RAAus into disrepute" 2) being accused of not being a "fit and proper person"...borrowed from CASA. These provisions have, at times, been used as sledge hammers against members. Some previous Ops Managers were offenders in this area. In fact, by their blunt force, unmeasured actions, said Ops Managers did, at the time, "bring RAAus into disrepute." It is much wiser to keep offenders within the fold. Limited sanctions after due and full process is reasonable. However, their should be no life long loss of membership...EVER. Why? Because RAAus is, effectively, a monopoly. That has implications for the individual.
  11. Anyway, cheers to our friend with the soggy sapphire. He copped sufficient punishment on the day.
  12. 10 plys are $87 with fixed $15 delivery at www.waggabiketyres.com
  13. STM and PT22 variants of the Ryan have a modest overturn post ahead of the front windscreen. The fuselage is a true monocoque. As such, it is easily collapsed in an accident. The cockpit cut-outs weaken the monocoque significantly, and so the cockpits tend to be the collapse point, thus trapping, injuring or killing the occupant. This is why external stiffeners, running the length of the cockpits, are fitted beneath the cut-outs. Both the overturn post and the stiffeners can be seen on the accident aircraft. The early STA model did not have these improvements. It must have been lethal.
  14. A rough answer to the question is, wait for it...................500mls. It is only a rough answer because it wasn't determined scientifically. In cruise, the 2200 blew a jug (cylinder broken, through bolts broken). There wasn't any reason to stop, so we continued the forty miles back to base. The oil temp and pressure remained rock solid all the way home. We were able to drain just 500mls from the sump. After repairs, the engine did the remaining 500 hrs to scheduled overhaul.
  15. You are totally right! We need to get back to core principles!! It all went wrong when those darn two seaters were introduced. There were massive cost increases for the membership. Two seaters had to be certified, thus making them less affordable for the wage earners and pensioners. Suddenly AUF had to take on the massive task of administering FTFs. We need to recognise the CORE PRINCIPLES of RECREATIONAL and ultralight flying as it was originally defined, before the lawyers and vested interests got hold of it. Maybe the moneyed end of town can go their own way and leave us to play with our inexpensive crap. I demand a return to Wheeler Scouts, Pterodactyls, Eagle XLs and Rotec Rallys. We need to stay below 300' AGL and not cross roads.....for the pensioners!
  16. Bravo, Jim. You have produced a thoughtful essay. A cowed RAAus accepting money from CASA whilst pretending to represent it's "membership" makes me want to vomit. CASA has established a career path for retiring RAAus managers who "tow the line" for CASA, whilst in RAAus employ.
  17. Cessna offered rear seating for two light people.
  18. Do you really think crummy old JSF's could in any way contest against Su35s? Think Wirraway vs Zero. Our negligent successive governments, starting with that led by John Howard, have pissed our regional air superiority up the wall and re-created our 1941 situation. Those F-111 ordnance trucks could have served us indefinitely.
  19. Why not go to the RAAus website and study the Operations Manual? You will have to familiarise yourself with its contents anyway, so why not start now by searching it for the answer?
  20. Sorry to hear of your troubles, BAz. I recently warned another person on this forum of the pitfals of unnecessary medical honesty. Of course I was howled down by other, naeve, posters. If you have a little time, why not go to the RAAus web-site and look around. If you have a look at the Membership Application and Student Pilot form, you will see our medical declaration. If you believe that you meet the national standard (there is one) for a private motor vehicle driver licence, simply sign the declaration and send your money in! Good luck Fred
  21. An RAAus pilot won't be hung for quietly grounding himself for the period suggested in the guidelines, and then going back to flying, should both himself and his doc be satisfied with his medical position. In fact, this action, if it came to light, would likely be commended! What a joke to suggest that any pilot outside of the closely supervised areas of aviation, such as RPT, would report to authorities, just because he/she was crook for, say ten days.
  22. Do not be naive, Bruce. Don't let the goodys lead you up a path only you, not them, stand to possibly regret. RAAus works for CASA, under contract. If you declare a condition, you will be a marked man, avmed wise. Frankly, this is no place to be a goody. It is far more important to protect yourself. If the administrative structure of rec. flying happens to change, and you find yourself dealing with CASA AVMED, you will rue the day you prodded the bear. My advice stands.
  23. Hullo Bruce. You can forget most of the rubbish so far posted against your enquiry. Firstly. As a pilot who is not an instructor, the only thing you need to do, is sign the medical declaration when you join RAAus or do a BFR. DO NOT contact RAAus. DO NOT fill in or submit any other form. It does not pay to be naive or unstudied in this matter! With reference to: "Assessing Fitness To Drive for Commercial and Private Vehicle Drivers" which is a joint AUSTROADS and NATIONAL TRANSPORT COMMISSION publication, designed to assist medicos, we find (page 37) Cardiac pacemaker insertion. Minimum non-driving period for private driver......2 weeks. So. Ground yourself for that period. If things are going well as judged by both yourself and your doc, go flying! Please download and read the relevent parts of this publication to get the full picture. Good luck! Fred
  24. Increased regulation good for schools? Pull the other one! Some local pilots are so intimidated by the rush by RAAus managers to out-regulate CASA that I virtually have to beg them not to quit or go outlaw.
  25. Did you read my post? My post was a statement of something I know to be true. It did not contain a recommendation. Thankyou for telling me about the "harsh and unforgiving environment"........fancy that. Who would have thought.
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