The current Tech Manager is happily destroying our successful maintenance system.
He has, by his recent actions against our maintainers, deliberately set out to force each of us to decide if we will remain in the system, go outlaw, or quit.
I do not know this fellow's background, but I have my suspicions.
We know, as the ones doing the work, that "recency" is not a significant factor in the quality of the work that we do.
It appears to me that this bloke is using furphys such as "recency", to strip a good bulk of L2s of their rightful qualification.
Spare a thought for the newly minted pilot who has just bought an aeroplane. No L1 is issued with his/her Pilot Certificate. This person is, therefore trapped, NOW, in the same position as a VH- registered owner. There is no alternative but to bring in someone to maintain the aircraft. Owner maintenance is revoked.
This is what should have happened.
The RAAus board, knowing the critical nature of what is happening, should have resolved to order the Tech Manager to strike out all reference to recency, and the like, from the Tech Manual.
This should have been presented to CASA as a revision. If CASA happened to not accept the revision, then the board should have resolved to order the Tech Manager not to enforce CASA's will.
Why? RAAus will live or die by whether it successfully defends it's current, easy going, maintenance system.
It amazes me that board members are not freaking out about this attack on our core.
It is time to refuse CASA. It is time to deal only with the minister.