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Everything posted by starion81

  1. Yeah, that's a real help
  2. Boeing have absolutely lost the plot, they are an assembler, no longer a manufacturer, now a scabby probuct.
  3. big big congrats Parkway, its soo exciting hey, did you do your training in town?
  4. Really djpacro? I have not seen any limitations in regards of age, but i admit i am a bit lost when it comes to all of this, and am not sure if i am viewing the latest regs. Far out Dazza, it does make you wonder how you can shave so much weight from the c150.
  5. I guess they may be under the experemental LSA, replacing the huge old radio, a wooden prop, and something a bit more modern in battery department would go a long way from shaving sum on that 30kgs off
  6. yeah it does seem a bit confusing, i dont see where it would fit in, the formula for min. payload, seems to be (80Kgs X 2 place) + 0.23 X rated BMHP(108) = 160+25 =185Kg, this taken from the 600Kgs, makes 415Kg. Still does not seem to fit, The regs are somewhat confusing
  7. I have noticed a couple of piper colt's that are under RA rego (24-XXXX). I have not been able to find out what clause these aircraft qualify under? i presume it comes under 95.55 para. 1.2 (either part F, or G). I have been using a copy of 95.55 similar to this (http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2011L00617).I have also noticed some differences in the MTOW and naming of the categories on the following site (http://www.recreationalpilots.com.au/recreational-aircraft-categories.htm). If any person could point me in the right direction, or to speak to a person with a piper under 24-XXXX rego, as i do not have much experience in aviation. Regards, Neil
  8. Hi all, my name is Neil, i am a new member, that is just starting to get my RA cert. I have also purchased the plans for the A plane, and have jus started the fabrication. It would be great to hear from any other builders, especially in the Perth region, cheers Neil
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