I had been watching the weather all week for today - it was looking great to continue my landing practice and nail my first unassisted. Today at 0530 was ESE 3kts. Awesome!!
There are only two certainties in this world - Death and Taxes.
Today's Lesson! Logged time = "0.00".
1. Get up early
2. Arrive early at Hanger
3. Perform all preflight checks.
4. Kick her in the guts for warm up.... kick her in the guts... KICK IT!!!!!
What - crank but no fire? It ran perfectly the other day.....
So what's doing?
Time for some fault tracing - no spark what so ever, and the plugs are getting fuel!
Returned home - got some tools etc, returned to field. Pulled the wiring to pieces and checked ignition switches and connections at modules.
Checked stator coil earths and resistances (3.3ohm each, 6.6ohm in series), voltage from power stator to modules - cranking both = 6v.
Checked module grounds and supply connections - great.
After exhausting all my wiring checks - reassembled to give it another go and ensured everything was connected nice tight and correctly.
Crank it... and away we go! So what is it - a connection????
Carried out all engine warmups, choke checks, RPM checks (switching off one ig. sw. at a time). Sweet!
So, today's lesson... Engine operation theory and familiarisation.
By the time I was ready to go it was 930am, the wind was 090 6/8kts (would be using runway 11 so would be ok, but with the thermals and cumulus - maybe not good for landing practice).
Now I wait for the next sweet air window........ . . . . . .. .