Hi motzart,
Drifters are definitely not trailerable as they were never designed to be. The skins on the main wing are all one piece so the whole wing has to be folded like a book and can cause damage during transit. I understand that the new Drifters have a two piece wing cover so this would make it marginally better. The usual story is if you are trailering a Drifter then you have had a prang.
Climb rate on a good day can be quite spectacular as is the case with most rag wing types. On a hot day you might get a very close view of the trees surrounding the airfield so be warned! I always teach students to keep the take off safety speed up to 60 knots below 200', yes, a lot higher than the book speed but more controllable if the engine quits! I cringe every time that I see a high attitude, low speed take off and wonder who taught the pilot to drive like that.
Drifters handle turbulence much the same as any other low wing loaded aircraft but are very strong and capable. You may find it better to fly with the turbulence rather than through it. The best way to land a Drifter is three point on a low speed, low energy landing but if you want to fly something like a Thruster then practice wheelers.
Drifters are easy to fly, easy to own and you will enjoy the time spent in them.