Hey Turbz, how do we train against stupidity?
It is not confined to RAA either as I have done a few conversions over the years and there is a trend in GA training as well.
The last few accidents I attended smacked of pilot error but hang on.... all of them could fly a plane, were trained, tested and had a license of some sort to prove it. Just ask all of their dumbfounded mates and family who will tell you that they were great blokes and safe pilots.
Training of any sort does not make an unsafe pilot and god knows there are some shockers that have flown around for years without killing themselves, cannot fly straight and level, cannot find a CAO in two grabs so I am not convinced that discovering someone's training records is the answer. All RAA schools are audited.
What gets me everytime is that in Queensland at least, it requires a learner driver to have 100 hours instruction time with mum and dad without any curriculum but you can get pilot certificate with 20 hours of itemised instuction. Who has the most accidents, injuries and deaths? Who has the most disproportionate media coverage when an accident occurs?