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Everything posted by bilby54

  1. Oops, sorry TP, I meant Pending not Preliminary.
  2. Interesting how the ATSB word their preliminary reports and it can be very misleading. The recent loss of the C210 north of Injune states "Terrain Colloision". Well, yes but after it was ripped apart in mid air and the bits eventually hit the ground. It can give the impression that the pilot flew the aircraft into the ground when it is not the case in this instance. I can only assume (there's that word again!) that they comment on what they find when first on scene so that would lead to all preliminary reports being "Terrain Collision"??
  3. I very recently was talking to one of the ATSB investigators and he said they were not interested in investigating the Old Bar incident. They became involved due to public and political pressure to do so - read into that what you will. I suppose the public think that it is just not the done thing to land an aircraft in a ferris wheel that their little Johnny is riding on! As for fatal accidents, they did not investigate the Mundubbera crash as the aircraft was destroyed by fire. It would also appear that they are very happy in the way that RAAus handles both safety and accident investigations but as was stated earlier, it would be good to get a prelim report ASAP if only to quell the speculation. I have lost three freinds in aircraft accidents this year so I wish people would stop killing themselves in aeroplanes - please.
  4. Ben, I just had a pee with me undies still on after reading your status quote!!
  5. I like your three word comment Dazza!! Wish I could write it in my student training manual Definitely seen it done better
  6. Myself and another professional pilot freind accompanied the family to the crash site and spoke with the guys from ATSB. The ATSB people were really courteous and professional and do a great job. I have been to other fatal crashes but have never seen one with such devastation as this. The C210 aircraft broke up in flight for reasons that only ATSB will uncover and the preliminary report will be out next month. For those of you who knew Darryl, his funeral will be in the Roma Care Flight hanger this Friday 16th at 1130 If we are lucky we may get a warning scare but mostly we only get one go at people so please take care. I am always on the lookout for new students but not to replace the pilots that we lose to accidents.
  7. The Roma Aero club lost a good mate last week and we are all still in shock and disbelief over it. No details as yet but it is hard difficult to wave a mate good bye and then find out he is dead. Fly safe everyone
  8. I'm with you OK! Where's the parachute?
  9. I think the postie must secretly read them before he delivers it to me........... must be real slow reader too!!
  10. Seriously Ian, only slightly better than a DC?? I would have thought Porsche / VW would be a better comparison!! Cheers,
  11. Not so long ago a freind of mine at Brisbane got pinged for his belt buckle setting off all the pretty lights while his hand luggage was ok. At Alice Springs, he was pulled up for some other random act of violence to the offence detector but not his belt buckle and his hand luggage was also cleared. When he got home he found a number of shotgun shells left over from the weekend shoot!! On the other hand, me being a ten year "gold" frequent flyer had to surrender my two inch shifting spanner because I could undo parts of the aircraft while in flight! ..... and we are supposed to treat this crap seriously! Yeah right.
  12. But technically, these were not letters to the editor - they were posts on a private forum. It shows that RAAus is worried about their image for some reason and is trying to justify things by answering questions the were never asked of them. The general public does not know this and Gen Y thinks it's cool to have space invader names. The editor needs to rethink how he / she collects information to publish as I believe that Ian acted in good faith when giving permission. Has anyone had their phone hacked? What's Rupert Mudochs number?
  13. Hey Red Let the aeroplane do the work for you, don't try to over control things... A quiet word of advice....... when you do a rip snorter of a bounce (and you will), try and see where the wheels end up in the scrub as it might help with pushing it back to the hangar!!
  14. Glad to help. Done
  15. The rat race is over; the rats won!
  16. Hi Will, Throw the pamphlet for the Icom A210 in the bin before you part with the cash! As mentioned earlier, they are shockers!! I had an early Xcom in my Drifter for about ten years and apart from a minor fault that was fixed under warranty, it worked a treat. Icom needs to go back to the drawing board. Cheers
  17. Don't use the one that is made in the country that is better known for its rice dishes - they do not work during climbing or descending and would not calibrate in the A/C
  18. Brilliant piece of wisdom, Nev!!:thumb_up:
  19. Has anyone noticed the poor quality of WAC's (charts) these days? I was giving a nav briefing the other day and the new map has just about zilch hypsometric tints, entire towns deleted, railway lines missing but just about every creek is displayed in blue - looks like it has aeronautical varicos veins!!:big_grin: My older WAC's just about tell the whole story of the trip before the aircraft is started. I mean it,s not as if they are getting any cheaper either. Maybe there is a push to have everyone plan on google earth or rely entirely on map based GPS:scratching head:
  20. We had the Sea Kings from 817 Sdn parked in the hanger at Roma for a few days doing relief work in the St George area. They left yesterday for search and rescue missions in the Grantham & Forest Lake areas and I'd like to extend the thanks of the people around here for their help as they are a great bunch of blokes with an exceptional helicopter. Roma will run out of Avgas by tomorrow so anyone planning out this way don't count on fuel..... but if you do come here, a tin of powdered milk will work wonders! :) I hope everyone is doing ok as most parts face up to their second or third big flood. Keep your feet dry
  21. The other thing to remeber is that not every school can run instructor courses as they have to be approved by the Ops Manager. Check to see if they are approved before deciding
  22. I have asked CASA to define their term "busier regional aerodromes" as that is left open for all sorts of interpretations and directly affects many of us. Qantas Link have increased services to many western centres but are in the stages of retiring the smaller Dash 8's to the larger 400 series to reduce the number of flights so does that make the aerodrome less busy? As they have stated in the discussion paper Quote: " The probability of these risks is quite low presently but increases with increasing air traffic levels." The other bit that caused me some concern was quote: "At these locations, collision risk mitigation is the responsibility of the pilots, operating aircraft with a wide range of capabilities and equipment – from new generation Boeing 737 with multiple navigation, communication and traffic alerting systems to ultra-light aircraft with a single pilot and perhaps one radio. While operating practices have been effective to date," All CTAF's have required the carriage and use of radio for some time now so why the sly remark about ultralight aircraft and OMG, only one pilot! Incidently, all of the crew change aircraft, RFDS and aeromedical Kingair's have only one pilot. I personally don't have an issue with increasing safety through electronic means but I do not want it or see the need in the current climate to have it forced on us. The other point to make is that some pilots (I am trying not offend here) don't bother looking outside to see conflicting traffic but rely heavily on TCAS and I think that is when the collision risks escalate. We all operate very well with RPT traffic so there is something more underlying with this 'discussion paper' and the pollies usually leak something before they implement it. I hope everyone has their say and make a response to this
  23. I think that Motz has said that he was not trying to bash the school because it was GA but if he had just said "another school on the same field" - I'd bet the first question that everyone would have asked is "What type of school was it? :big_grin::big_grin:
  24. Could not have said it better Ballpoint! How many incidents are caused by pilots relying on their electronic equipment and radio as a poor substitute for good lookout around airfields? I had my bum chewed recently by a turbine captain because of reporting to late into the circuit and he could not see me. I didn't bother telling him about the Cessna charging around either on the wrong frequency or trying to dodge the landing fee. To quote the defensive driving course, " A stop sign has never stopped a car yet!" and the latest electronic gear is a great thing to have but if it fails or people do not want to use it, then it is next to useless. i_dunno
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