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Everything posted by bilby54

  1. I have noticed a distinct change in attitude towards other aircraft by the red kangaroo captains in the last 6 months. I thought that it was just the RAA aircraft that were being treated as pains in the butt to their operation until I heard them trying separate the locally based Kingair that was 30 miles away and clearly visible on TCAS. I live and train at an airport that has a fair amount of heavy twin traffic and everyone gets along fine so it is very probably current CASA policy. I think that there will be a lot "black" flying in the future. Pity but I may have to take the path of civil disobedience in this case
  2. I have always found this interesting because the training sylabus puts a lot of emphasis on stalls in a climbing turn or stalls with a wing drop. The place where most come unstuck is a stall in a descending (gliding) turn but it is not a requirement for a licence. Sort of a 'we know it happens but don't go there' approach.
  3. I would like to add my congrats to everyone who did anything towards the day - just spectacular and seemed to involve a big bunch of people from Dalby. Just goes to show how much airfields and flying contribute towards local commumities. I managed to drop in late from a very long road trip just as the Roulettes were leaving but the crowds were still coming through the gate. Had a great time and brought the usual drink, dagwood dog, thingo, icecream, another drink, looked at all the static displays and had a really great time - missed out on meeting all the forum members but maybe next time hey! I do have one negative thing to say and thought long and hard before bringing it up but it was nothing to do with the organisers or whatever. I thought that a flight with whoever was doing joyflights would break up the trip so headed over in that direction. A bloke with a quasi military flight suit and a full set of BS bars was talking to a mother and her kids when a neat little trike started up nearby. One of the kids asked if he flew them and his reply was "not likely, I don't fly motorised kites" and then went on to explain in flowery terms how dangerous they were and shouldn't be allowed in the sky. Needless to say, he dipped out on a joy flight from me. I was dissappointed with his attitude as the day (or afternoon in my case) was so great and I wonder what influence he had on the future of those kids ever wanting to fly trikes or light aircraft? After all, if the person with captains bars said they are dangerous then how can a member of the public not be influenced? All that aside, the day was great, the coffee was great and all of the people had a great time and isn't that what airshows are all about? See you at the next one.
  4. Just letting everyone know that if you intend to fly around SW Queensland, book your motel, hotel, pub, stables or park bench well in advance. Pretty well everywhere from Chinchilla, Miles, Roma, Mitchell and Charleville have no rooms spare. Caravans, mines and oil & gas workers get most of it. :ah_oh:
  5. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!! I had a call yesterday from some dodgy mob in Hong Kong that obviously got my name from the RAAus web site. Some brilliant promises they were making to!
  6. Hmmm, I spent a fair bit of time in the lockup there!! :big_grin::big_grin:
  7. :)Well hi there Cafiem. Been a long time between drinks. How's Fi and Em these days? I am asuming Avon Downs??? Keep in touch and cheers
  8. Earlier last year, I was in discussions with Tony Hayes about the location of the 'Thruster' Vision 600T. The Vision 600T was the only tailwheel example of the aircraft that was built and flown in Australia. Tony thought that he knew where it was located and was trying to find its exact location before he sadly passed away - see Thruster forums. I am asking if anyone on this forum has any information on the location of the Vision 600T as I would like to get it flying again and hopefully keep Tony's contribution to ultrlight aviation alive.:)
  9. Hi Pete, The flexible wire is good. Put a bead of high temperature (orange) silicon on the springs and both them and the lock wire will last for a long time - works a treat. Cheers
  10. Could also ask why the Rotax 503 has only one carb while the 582 has two with a fair bunch of gear whizzing around inside to control them. The 912 engine also has a 1/2" balance line running between the two manfolds to add more interest. Don't get me wrong, the carbs on top of the engine are much easier to work on than the Jabiru location but I think that it would be a brilliant set up with just one carb (or injection system) so was just wondering why two?
  11. Does anyone know why Rotax uses two carbs for most of its engines? The setup on the engines is such that each side of the engine is fed by a separate carby and is essentially two 'separate engines' on the same crankshaft or is that not the case. The Jabiru engine works with a single carb of the same type as the 912 Rotax. Just wonder if anyone has any info why this is.
  12. The new Ethanol bowsers in Qld have a sign stating "not for aircraft use"
  13. Don't know who decided to change it but it has become decidedly quieter and easier to operate. We were getting everything from Thangool to Moree and Charleville and was possibly requested by the RPT
  14. Where do I start with this? Firstly Elk, I don't believe that everyone in CASA 'doesn't give a tinker....' That is like saying that the prime minister is a d***head so everyone in Australia is one also! A few weeks ago a Drifter went in and killed both occupants and numerous people either knew that the pilot 'pushed the limits' and that the aircraft was suspect but little if anything was done to stop him and that includes this forum. I don't know where you think I am 'dobbing' as I was only conveying the message given by the CASA bloke but in any case, if one of my friends or family or just someone flying through was doing stupid things or flying an un-airworthy aircraft then I would do whatever I could to stop it - I will not appologise for that. I was offended by your comments but moderated my response. If I end up being a [you-know-what] because I tried to stop someone from killing themself then plaster me with it! On a lighter note, I'd really like to see that wet tram ticket:laugh:
  15. Sorry David, I left out a critical word in my last post and never meant to offend any aerobatic pilots. I meant to say "in uncertified aircraft". It would be fair to assume that that if someone is doing aeros in one then they would also be unqualified to perform the manouvres.
  16. The CASA rep at the safety seminar the other night metioned that they will be in attendance at the Monto Fly-in and won't have red and blue lights flashing on their shoulders. The statement from him was not to stop people having a good time but to stop the idiots from stopping everyone else's good time. Interesting to note that they also monitor the nut cases doing 12 turn incipient spins and all on you tube and are asking all pilots to help control the problem
  17. Just letting everyone know that the frequency for Roma CTAF changed on 03/06/10 The new frequency is 126.95 not 126.7 and has caught a few people out - cheers
  18. No not Dash-8's as I have never had a problem operating with them in the area. My comment was more towards the newer light twin pilot building time to eventually fly Dash-8's. There seemed to be the old attitude even from some low time commercial pilots that if you don't have a radio then you cannot be safe. I think Bill H summed it nicely with his eyeball - brain - joystick description, even the Dash-8 pilots report me visual. I think that there is a culture in some training centres to forget to tell pilots that they have to look outside every now and again (a bit off topic)
  19. I went to one of the CASA seminars the other night and thought that the presentation was alright stuff. I think that a lot of the radio requirement has come from the "light twin drivers" (my sincere appologies to the professional pilots who fly them) who thought it would be safer if everyone had a radio and CASA has to be seen to be doing the right thing with aviation safety. It brought them all undone when they were told that it does not relieve them of their obligations to use 'see and avoid' procedures at non-controlled aerodromes. I suspect that what they are really after (light twin drivers) is transponders to be fitted to every aircraft entering a CTAF. I had an aircraft going right out of his tree the other day because he could not see on his TCAS even whenI told him that I had him visual. I see and avoid anything larger than a grasshopper if possible
  20. I think that a lot of people have missed the point here. CASA call all recreational aircraft and pilots "Ultralight". It is publish on the charts and in the ERSA. Every VTC has a picture of a hang glider with a big 'U' beside it and the index calls it an ULTRALIGHT. If the safety regulator is still calling us ultralights, what hope does Joe Public have in disputing it? i_dunno i_dunno
  21. It gets even more silly when you have a GA registered jab and decide to convert it and yourself to RAA!! A few years ago I had the chance to fly a GA registered Drifter but my BFR was not current but was instructing on AUF registered Drifters. I think that the closer we seem to get the regulations together, the further apart we are drifting - no pun intended.
  22. I would like to commend the way CASA has handled the transition to radio use at non- towered aerodromes. Has taken away all of the fears that were initially out there and Joe Bloggs can still legally fly legally around his property without a radio. Now all we have to do is convince all of the small size twin drivers out there that rec aircraft coming within 20 miles of them will not kill em'
  23. No one said that any of us are 'perfect' so go easy :) The landing that we observed was made with the D8 nose wheel touching down first on the 1500' marker so it was fairly obvious that it was a poorly set up approach. I have also noticed the trend away from holding the nose wheel off until the mains are firmly planted... maybe an operational instruction? We were just surprised that a go round was not initiated, professional pilot or not thumb_down
  24. Hi Jet, The statement; "not following the POH blindly" bothers me and ask what you mean there? Most landing accidents are caused by pilots not following what is in the POH. There was a percieved problem with the J160 needing a big bunch of runway to land but if you read the book and apply what is in it, the problem does not exist.
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