About twenty or so years ago, I witnessed a Drifter doing a beat up on a house from a stalled turn and the recovery was below the trees.
This happened for at least twenty minutes and I thought then that ultralights were dangerous. Some weeks later, two people died when their Drifter smacked in from a poorly executed loop and i have often wondered if it was the same two idiots.
The point here was that I formed an opinion that those things were dangerous and I missed out on about ten years of terrific flying. If the clowns in that video smacked in, what would that do for our public image?
Drifters are great aircraft to fly with very with very few vices but when fitted with the big pod, they can take a long time to get out of a spin. It bothers me that someone will see this video and try it in the later model with nasty results. Remember that funerals are for the living.
Not trying to rain on anyone's parade but there is reason for the placards saying "No spins"