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Everything posted by airangel

  1. Great stuff.....................More please
  2. I guess you would know that Flight Design has gone broke. Reported that they are now made in Taiwan.
  3. Billet inclusion
  4. Too much water
  5. Go check the Rotax ADs. From memory they was some issues with fuel permeating the floats causing them to sink a little. I think there was a test one could perform to check this.
  6. Pls take this off. Its offensive
  7. Check,[wiggle the terminal block going into the regulator], i found poor connections at this point caused similar red light problems
  8. Press the translate button
  9. There are more than two Ian
  10. OMG...Where did you get the bit about "most aircraft metals are hardened by heating to 500c and dunked in water"
  11. Anyone care to offer an opinion on a 19 registered Jab 160 fitted with a Rotax 912s. [has been , and is currently registered] what will RAA say about this ? in the revised pattern of thinking
  12. This so true, but I have found that surgically concealing the pill in a King George whiting fillet [$76 kg] works 2 out of 10 times.
  13. Why did someone spray out the rego numbers after the incident?
  14. Just go to Jabiru.......They have a Dyno
  15. Do you have any estimates on the finished engine weight?
  16. I believe the merlins had a tbo of 400hrs if they made it that far.
  17. Here Hear, After all, a huge 117 people polled! What is our membership
  18. YEP, You are right! Got told this 50yrs ago and thought it to be B/S at the time.. ..........why didnt i listen
  19. Well.........What did Ed tell you Mr AR
  20. If this censure motion passes you may be surprised at what you have not got. ! To many useless words and not enough action
  21. Why dont you stand pbugg new member!
  22. Ok lets get rid of this man too. regardless that many think he his taking action,dont forget that you guys voted in the reps you have now. Who hear is prepared to take his job and perform to your exacting requirements AND get the job done that you have demanded. Lots of criticism here but no one seems to have a solution. It would appear that whoever has this role gets to have many critics regardless of how good or bad they are. You ask why at times there is not enough communication. Every time there is there is a barrage of uninformed criticism. Lets try and measure on the end result unless you want to step into the ring
  23. Good God Guys, Give them time to do want you want, instead of throwing bricks all the time.
  24. I guess the designer and test pilot are still in Siberia!
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