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Everything posted by airangel

  1. Obviously a real pilot.
  2. Dambusters and its theme tune..........Top stuff
  3. Trim, Trim, Trim
  4. I got sent over to the canteen to ask the ladies for a packet of baked ovaries......Wham!
  5. The Vickers Vimy in Adelaide is Not Alcock and Brown. It is Sir Ross and Keith Smith's plane. It has been extensively rebuilt
  6. A similar situation exists with Sir Ross & Keith Smiths, Vickers Vimy located at Adelaide airport. [first Uk Aust flight] New terminal built, which almost completely isolates the plane from the public........A great shame on our planners.
  7. Missed one....Dont know much about Wiki leaks..But a lot about Diki leaks.
  8. As the years roll by, I occasionally wonder what happened to 600Kg & 10k feet?. Is this a dead duck, or is it still in the mincer?
  9. Prop strikes, No matter how minor also seem to play a part in this type of failure.
  10. airangel

    no comemnt !

    These are really old adjusters, Jabiru changed to the slotted screw type many years ago because of this problem.
  11. airangel

    jab 40 HP

    There was only one made as far as I Know. Saw it on the bench at Jabiru. It was sold to someone.
  12. Engines where [are] Rolls Royce Eagles. I was lucky to work on the restoration on 1957/8 when rebuild took place after fire destroyed much of it during road transport from Canberra to Adelaide
  13. [ATTACH]12014.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]12014.vB[/ATTACH]For those with models SL30, SL40, & GNS 480, You will be interested in the attached Mandatoty Service Bulletin NO 0921 Rev C It is apparent that very few are aware of it , including some of the local agents Mandatory Garmin Service Bulletin.pdf Mandatory Garmin Service Bulletin.pdf Mandatory Garmin Service Bulletin.pdf
  14. The Jab Wouldnt be the problem......The US coastguard would.
  15. Try a Company in Adelaide called Solid Service. I use their tyres on my CTSW. The size is slightly different, from memory it is 15x 6, 6 ply and is far superior to the original tyres fitted to the a/c. The brand of tyre is Trelliborgand is also available in 10 ply, but I would not use these on a ctsw as they are very stiff in the sidewall and I think maybe too hard for our a/c with aluminium legs. These are very good tyres and are the only ones I have found which are NOT branded 'not for highway use'. ....These fit without mods to the spats. Trelliborg is a very large company [swedish I think] and if you google it you will find an outlet closer to your home
  16. Go to Airlie Beach instead. Its a terriffic strip, friendly people, You just need to advise in advance. There is a landing fee but it is worth it.
  17. airangel


    Try TRELLIBORG brand, very nice round tyre in 6 ply, Availaible from an outlet in SA called SOLID SERVICE. If you GOOGLE the brand you will find outlets in your state.
  18. Ok Ok...Iwasnt going to ask but.'whats an STC?
  19. I have been interested in a better map system for the avmap also....cannot find one!
  20. Talk to Jabiru. They used an RV as a test bed.
  21. There is a glider at waikerie is SA with 3 jet engines. two are retractable. I think it took three years to design install and test.
  22. How many aircraft in our category have a key start?.............
  23. Get over it, its not a big deal, we are already obliged to display rego stickers, just like our vehicles. RAA aus are simply asking us to placeit so it can be readily seen!
  24. Maybe you could ask him why the 600kg mtow has been canned !
  25. I am surprised that there hasnt been more discussion as to why we are not going to get the much awaited 600kg mtow.........?:confused:
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