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Everything posted by planet47

  1. Just curious about something! The registration of my 95:10 was processed on the about the 17th October and I received the PDF copy via email and was told that the PDF is proof of registration and therefore I could go flying. In the same conversation I was told that the new registration card was in the mail. Two weeks later I am still waiting for the card. How long does one have to wait for the card to turn up?
  2. Was just a thought! 27 days from sending in photos, new weight and balance, details of landings, etc I now have PDF certificate. My only apparent hiccup was the request for a "passenger placard". So now I have another 12 months and the building of the new one will have progressed so much further by then.
  3. Beat the drum, I have a few months before my initial registration, there are a fair few rivets under those big wing numbers and every one is a bitch to put the vinyl over and get it looking half decent. I can't see any good reason to have them, you can't read them at 500' and we wouldn't be lower than that unless we are landing! Maybe its to help the starving councils recoup landing fees from the audacious pilot who had the temerity to use their facility to land their plane! Who knows!!
  4. Anyone got any websites, etc to recommend that offer ideas about paint schemes without having to become a member?
  5. Pylon - an anachronism? I know what its like to fly a two stroke - a 2stroke that JUST kept going and a brand new 2stroke. Will never fly a lightwing cause that's a boy's toy but there is a taildragger in the making. I appreciate the knowledge.
  6. Such uncertainty!!!! A question for pylon 500. Do I keep building?
  7. By chance were you once Little Johnny?
  8. Maybe John meant they were both 57 cause 19 goes into 57 :-)
  9. It was a good laugh!
  10. Congratulations!!!
  11. Maybe Aircraft Spruce (online) or Floods in Melbourne?
  12. Vinylester resin is the only resin, but don't slosh it, it will come back to bit you , I saw another crash not long ago where the sloshing compound came off and went into the fuel lines. Where was this crash you refer to?
  13. Watch out for your neck octave!
  14. How does one go about PM'ing you Maj for a couple of those stickers?
  15. I am just asking a question - just like the title of the thread says. This question followed a general discussion I have had with other individuals and I thought this would be a reasonable place to ask a general question. I am NOT looking for a legal loophole NOR am I looking to have my jugular severed over the question either. I was under the impression that these forums were a place where I could ask such a question.
  16. 4.3.2 During initial climbout, the turn onto crosswind should be made appropriate to the performance of the aircraft, but in any case not less than 500 FT above terrain [CAR 166A(2)(f)] so as to be at circuit height when turning onto downwind. 4.3.3 Pilots may vary the size of the circuit depending on:  the performance of the aircraft; or  safety reasons; or  in accordance with the AFM/POH requirements or company SOPs. Thank you for your input above guys.
  17. Okay! Looking at "Because CASA says so http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/pilots/download/nta_poster.pdf" where does the diagram indicate that someone doing a 500ft circuit needs to stay upwind till they reach 500ft? All it indicates is the words "500ft circuit", "1000ft circuit" and "1500ft circuit". Pedestcon - if descent in less "draggy" aircraft can be started turning onto base why can't an aircraft that only climbs at 200ft per minute be permitted to climb to say 400ft on takeoff/upwind and then turn crosswind. I was under the impression that 500ft circuits were for aircraft with <55knot capability so that they could keep their circuits tight. A high performance aircraft doing 1500ft circuits - at what point do they turn crosswind? Should an aircraft be able to conduct a circuit in a given time ie 1 crt = 6 minutes?
  18. Reg 166A the pilot must maintain the same track from the take‑off until the aircraft is 500 feet above the terrain I'm asking this question in relation to planes that are legally able to do 500ft circuits - ie those whose speed is less than 55knots.
  19. On 1000ft agl circuits one commences turning crosswind at 500ft agl. What height should a person doing 500ft agl circuits begin their turn onto crosswind bearing in mind that the circuit is tighter?
  20. Its preparation for the years, perhaps even decades, ahead mothra!
  21. If a cluttered desk signifies a cluttered mind, what does an empty desk signify?
  22. Patrick Normoyle asked What aircraft are we talking about.........? A new build from scratch with probably millions of questions to come. I've all but completed the wing ribs and done some bits for the fuselage so far and I think today's aim is to get some wing spar folding done. Soon to order rivets but had some questions about tailwheels and thought I'd ask here.
  23. Just looking for some thoughts and/or advice on benefits of different types of tailwheels as I know precious little about them:- ie pneumatic -v- not, castoring, locked, unlocking, size, brands, etc.
  24. Just some light reading at the following sites:- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22571979 & http://www.thecjc.org/pdf/gc09/gc09-2.pdf Good picture of comparison of a coronal view of a normal brain and one that is affected by Alzheimers but have no idea how old the individuals were who owned the brains pictured. It also emphasises that neuropsychological assessment is the only way to measure alterations in cognitive and behaviour function.
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