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Everything posted by planet47

  1. WOW = $35 at Mildura. Here it is $10 including GST but I do believe that it will be $10 + GST next financial year. Wouldn't mind so much if the fee was related to the weight of the aircraft as I feel that I and other ultralighters subsidise some of the GA stuff here. However what do you do - fly or not fly. Maybe in the end it is just skyway robbery!
  2. Teenagers suffer the same as oldies but because their brains are still wiring whereas us oldies brains are unwiring, hence teenagers get 'better', oldies don't. Read that in a study on brain disease a few years ago. Old age may not be as much as factor as prior drug use (legal and illegal). I've noticed by middle age a pot-head / prior pot user or alchie has lost a lot of cells and is often struggling with basic mental function rather like early onset alzheimers. It's like they are trying hard to comprehend but the circuits aren't fully connected. The great majority of older folk I know who haven't destroyed themselves thus are plenty sharp. Anecdotal evidence! I was told by someone else who heard someone else talking about something they read! Perhaps the use of longitudinal studies, whereby a person's progress or regress is tested say every 5 years. This would be assuming that those that participate are subject to the same environmental conditions, etc as each other. A good example of longitudinal studies was that conducted in Broken Hill for the effects of lead dust. But then what are you actually testing for? Are we talking use of control groups, randomised trials perhaps. Is everyone's brains wired the same way? Do they slightly differ in the shape of the lobes, ventricles, etc? Who was subjected to events that affected their neuroplasticity at an early age. Maybe the answer is that everyone in the whole wide world undergoes a full MRI scan of the brain (nah full body) at age 20 say, in the event that in their lifetime they may want to learn to fly as a recreational pass time. As for teenagers and their brains still wiring, it is a known that the connection between the frontal lobes particularly in males does not occur until their late 20s. This leads to impulsive behaviour. Drug and alcohol use - every day I see it through work where people young and old have fried their brain cells and they then have the auditory and visual hallucinations for the remainder of their lives. They object to the use of psychiatric drugs claiming that its not a natural product like the THC or the alcohol that they used and the world takes care of them forever more. Its really sad to have to do a modified mini mental state examination on a 35 year old because you know that the person concerned hasn't a hope in hell of answering all the questions and then they score 7 out of 15. Yet the young ones never think this will be them in a few years if they don't stop now.
  3. Can understand liking the smell of old aeroplane, leather, woodwork, avgas and maybe even beetroot but smelling the inside of an egyptian tomb sort of seems to bear a relationship to necrophilia
  4. Got to worry about people wanting to know what the inside of an egyptian tomb smells like let alone wondering what a ghost smells like. From a psychiatric point of view I think their private passtimes would be suspect.
  5. On the other side of the world Maj - it was all about size and his plane won even if it doesn't fly!
  6. I don't know about others who do 500ft circuits but I try to remain conscious of the whereabouts of the position of any planes wherever I am flying and particularly in the circuit area. As well as avoiding conflict with others I am also trying to avoid conflict with wake turbulence.
  7. What happened at Hillston?
  8. How does anyone "inadvertently" fly into a "solid deck of stratus"? Isn't that a bit like walking into a brick wall on a bright sunny day? I once knew someone who walked into a tree while reading and was silly enough to come and tell me because he thought my laughter was all about him! So anything is possible.
  9. ayavner - your illness is affecting you:scratching head: !
  10. Ayavner - all I can say is paracetamol!
  11. Looks like a damn fine idea to me!
  12. Maj - they have been drying out in the hangar for the past couple of days. As at 6pm tonight, the cat and the rabbits were still alive. No mold, plenty of mud and slush though!
  13. Jasmin....please explain ???.....huh.?...............................Maj... from a previous thread where I sought an explanation for "heros' come and go....but legends get more pussy !"
  14. I believe there may be one person on page 3, may two who understand what the thread was about
  15. To all before me on this page (3), all I wanna do is go flyin! I don't want to reinvent the wheel, rewrite textbooks or reform govenment policies. I don't care who gets government funds because I know from previous experience that if one mob doesn't get it another one will, whether they are minority or majority or anywhere in between. Volcanoes - who cares! Flood plains - who cares! Sand dunes - who cares! I just wanted to express my frustration at not going flying due to adverse weather conditions when I had the opportunity to do it every bloody day for 2 weeks.
  16. Its not the real deal - last day today and the sun is now shining but the ground is so wet I almost got bogged going up to the hangar to feed the animals. ........................................................................................................................ By the way what are you doing to that prop of yours and did you ever get to say hello to Jasmin?
  17. Like I said Maj - I just wanna go flyin!:crying:Look out the loungeroom window past the hanger straight onto the grass strip that's now closed till the 12th of never. Listening to helicopters going night and day at the moment above the house. I even mowed out to the access point and then THE RAIN CAME ! :crying:Don't care about the road that disappears under water cause the ute survived that without any problems on several occasions but next time he will have to be able to give a long range weather forecast and guarantee its accuracy up until the day of their return plus provide a rabbit hutch with a handle that stays on.
  18. Man you are pricing it out of the reach of common people at that price.
  19. May as well - probably would be much of a muchness weather wise. However, for the past 2/52 I have been babysitting pylon500's animal farm and have two planes at my disposal, one of which is mine. I just wanna go flyin!
  20. I like it a lot when my engine is intune......................................... Hopefully you are in Sync with it when it is in Tune and then you will be as happy as pig in Mud
  21. I wish weather forecasting was an exact science cause then I would know when I would be able to go flying again.
  22. in Finitely or in Definitely - whichever
  23. I think all of the eastern sea board would gladly put a collective breath together and blow this toward SA. Persistent showers forecast again today and looking outside I can see what remains of the windsock fluttering away very busily. Moderate flooding expected today. Got to brave the crap weather and go feed the cat and the rabbits. Dare I say the only thing missing in this scenario is snow. Today is the first day of 3/52 leave from work.
  24. Don't come back another day. Go somewhere else for a change. Moderate flooding expected today according to weather forecasts - moderate compared to? Had two planes to use for the past two weeks and it has rained pretty solidly nearly every day for the past two weeks.
  25. So no in Eligible, in Tangible, in Adequate, in Side, in Stant, in Fusion!!!!
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