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Everything posted by planet47

  1. Where did the seat come from deskpilot?
  2. From 76 x 38 box aluminium with 2 different size hole saws on a mill about 4 hours later comes - the beginning of engine mounts.
  3. All is 1.1" in the area that is in the pic
  4. A further 124 rivets down
  5. I'd like to be able to wiggle my nose and have it completed - 4 years of it is getting a bit much but thanks for the comments Ibob & bex
  6. .......and a little further down the track
  7. ........and a photo
  8. Didn't have to install google drive and shouldn't have had to anyway. Now in receipt of plain text work plans and photos that are not wrapped up in zip folders. At least for now I can move forward. I learned something else today - how it is important to do something social each day as well as something that is enjoyable, something that is important and something that is physical. No doubt there will be people who come on here with their own agenda at translating this. My current project used to encompass all these categories but not any more!
  9. After doing about 600 rivets in the past 3 weeks I have a new obstacle I have an iPad mini and a laptop My emails come by Telstra media I have had 3 work plans emailed to me containing 6 photos of where these work plans relate to They are contained in files ending in rftd or something like that When I try to open the photos I get asked about opening the photos in "........" I press "open in .........." Nothing happens After 4 years of "2 and 1/2 years" frustration I think I could almost ............!
  10. :crying:Maybe a sense of competence when I get the puzzle of the controls back together
  11. Only 13 rivets this time 5 x 3/16th & 8 x 1/8th to be exact and the priming & deburring & refitting the puzzle in the middle that controls rudder & aileron and attitude Next time I might even show a pic of it
  12. Come on tomorrow night - hopefully work will allow an early enough getaway time - two angles to make to support the leading part of the fin, put in place and maybe more rivets
  13. I would have thought more like a bed of nails but I see your point Grow? Older, wiser, knowledgeable - definitely! Clever - unsure about this one
  14. 538 rivets since last weekend On the last 1000 and will have to get more but here's a never before published photo
  15. So then I have a question Myelar tape aka chaffing tape- can it be easily removed if put on with a little carelessness (I haven't put it on yet but am hopeful of finishing work early enough tonight to do some work and increase my rivet numbers as well)?
  16. Sorry guys been at work all day There are other threads on here about my build ie "there's more"
  17. Ha ha! I collected them for a couple of reasons * it saved having to vacuum and/or sweep them up * as I was under the fuselage it also saved me from laying on them & puncturing my own skin After doing a few thousand I've learned the carpet trick really doesn't work
  18. This last weekend I have deburred, primed and riveted and I have discovered that 360 rivet tails in the lid of an aerosol can looks like .....
  19. No bex The thread was never about the contents of hangars Or about the egos of others Many words come to mind but my anecdotal thoughts are that I have learned why there is so few women involved in things to do with aeroplanes
  20. Happy xmas to all who fly I will not be posting any more on this thread but will continue to build There is a lot more I would like to say but ............
  21. The other single seater in the "non paying plane" stalls is my gt400
  22. Whoops - I asked a question
  23. I'm told the other day that soon I will have to look at wing strut material - any suggestions?
  24. The shipwreck has become a boat again yay
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