I rang RA Aus this morning and raised the issues previously listed. My email/username was checked and I was advised that an email was currently being sent to me with the logon included and I could then check to see about my membership renewal date. Yes I got the email and after 4 attempts I have been told 4 times "the email or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again". Why does this have to be such a f.....g marathon? Yes I will call RA Aus again tomorrow and hopefully I will not be as livid by then as I am now!!!!!
1. Last night I sent an email to RA Aus pointing out that I am yet to receive a password & logon to the new RA Aus site.
2. Today I received an email saying my membership is due for renewal on the 15th January 2016.
3. Today I also received a text message stating that my membership renewal is due on the 16th January 2016.
4. My membership renewal is actually due on the 17th December 2015.
5. Is RA Aus an organisation or an institution?
I'm presuming that one gets an email from RA Aus with temporary password contained therein and one then accesses the website and changes the password to whatever password one wants to use but in order to access your own details one must receive the original email from RA Aus to start with. If that is the case I want to know WHERE IS MY EMAIL?
About 5 years ago I did some flying in Paul Crowfoots jabiru at warnervale. I can hardly imagine that there would have been any improvements done to the runway or facilities since then and the car park or the access road for that matter. It was always felt that developers were after the land and all Wyong Council could ever see was $$$$. So sadly the users are financially pushed out and the money grubs win!!!!!
Somewhere around 9' I think - my memory is shot from info overload & my eyes are blinded by the constant flow of silver aluminium as I tirelessly slave away :-)