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Everything posted by planet47

  1. Actually the moment of emergency may have passed olegusan but thanks anyway. I already have a few hundred but they are holding other stuff together in wait for the moment I get the nod to do some further riveting - pics on "there's more" under aircraft building & design discussion.
  2. Anyone on ut there got some clecos for sale - 1/8th particularly! Message me on 0413022855 - ta!
  3. ......and to keep people in silent awe
  4. I did the create account - forgot password thing & every time I pressed "submit" it changed the security text & did not "submit". Sounds like some people I know!
  5. .....and more...... ...
  6. Any more info on this?
  7. A bit of tail plane happening .... .
  8. ......Sounds to me like the local council has imminent thoughts of land development! Have they actually made any improvements to the 02/20 runway in the past 4-5 years?
  9. $600 per hour for circuits at Warnervale - why?
  10. Some people don't give radio calls because they think they can avoid the landing fee and then there are those who don't fly as much as they used to because it already costs enough and its more than it used to be.
  11. The day the bandsaw stood still!
  12. I must be old Old Koorelah cause I'd much rather fly & listen out for other traffic than fiddle with a phone. I have taken the odd photo though but not with a phone & certainly not selfies. Too many people on the roads maimed or killed by using phones while driving - why do it in the air! Bluetooth is probably a good resource to have if you must make a call while in the air though.
  13. I always take my phone just in case of an emergency either locked away in a bag under my seat in the quicksilver or in the bag behind the seat in the foxbat but I must be behind the times cause I can't hear it ringing when I have a radio headset on!
  14. A question with many answers - to learn, to see, to do and be part of a community and sometimes to just get away and be in the moment
  15. My inaugural flight resulted in damage
  16. I think the hangar fees went up today ........
  17. The motor is a taipan tyro diesel 1.9cc
  18. A little diesel motor - still attempting to refine my artistic abilities and the purple turned out to be so dark it's almost navy and I'm attempting to paint the rudder at the moment.
  19. Like .....?
  20. Hey planeddriver - could be worse!
  21. Then it got to be this color - sorry don't know how to edit the extra photo off the post
  22. Can I ask who the self publishing company is?
  23. All good - if I survive the building fiasco there will be several more pictures.
  24. No it is going to be a pusher not a tractor motor. The two aft braces will eventually serve to provide a structure around the motor. The intention is to have foldable wings but have to sort prop clearance obviously dependent on number of blades.
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