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Everything posted by planet47

  1. Maybe he was a victim of a build up of circumstances - a bit like being a driver of a car that is below standard on below standard roads with some below standard driver training but you have a piece of plastic that says "you can do it" so ambition exceeds ability. Flame me!
  2. Damn good video from an iPhone
  3. Will they close the road off into Old Bar if a car runs off the road and runs into a shop????? There's only one shop along the road into Old Bar and that could possibly have explosive results. However I gotta say there's one hell of a right hand turn off there in wet weather at night to go to Wallabi Point when one drives a ute!
  4. That was a really good watch. Obviously lots of support required to do a trip like that even these days.
  5. No, not really Frank. Just get a bit tired of the antics of grounds staff in keeping a useable strip closed and wonder about their qualifications and people skills. However, they have opened it since my post so happy days for me and others around here .
  6. Just wondering what sort of qualifications, experience, etc grounds staff require? Does the ability to think about when a grass strip should be opened considering that there has been no rain for the past 2 weeks enter into qualifications, experience, positional power or plain meanness?
  7. The new one will have similarities to the vista but is not the same. The benefits of a scratch build is that I build it to suit me.
  8. Originally it was red and over time, the colour of the cloth has faded and in certain light situations can look a different hue of pink. However the suggestion is usually related to my gender rather than the colour of the GT400. Its eventual colour is usually a question that is asked by anyone visiting pylon500's hangar or anyone who learns that it is me that is doing the building.
  9. I wanted an unobstructed view, more range and power and something that is no overly affected by weather if it has to be tied down. It will also be a tail dragger and I am considering levying fines against those that ask or suggest that I paint it pink. Currently I have a GT400 and while its okay for flying around the local area, I am feeling the need to travel further afield and the GT400 is not up to that. Hence this build!!!
  10. The answer to that Downunder is probably in the earlier photos in this thread that were posted by pylon500. He made the set of dies that I am using and he is also designing this plane while I am just merely the builder. The dies range in size from 12mm up and there are 5 different sizes all up. There probably is slight differences in the angle of their flanged edges, etc but the dies were made not manufactured.
  11. No hailstones please. Too many hard yards in this for me so far to have it damaged easily. For your further information, all of this has been a total scratch build and I remember well cutting out the ribs from 12 x 4 sheets on the floor of the hangar and how much my hand hurt
  12. You have been busy sneaking in photos when I haven't been looking but I bet you haven't got any photos from today- haha!!! Anyway there are now more lightening holes than there was a few days ago cause more of the fuselage frame is together now and more tomorrow cause I just know it will be too windy to fly the gt400 in the morning (the pessimist me).
  13. I just wanted to express the fact that I felt surrounded by lightening holes that was all Crayonbox and they grew in quantity again today. This little plane is a prototype. There is already a wing that is pretty well complete and another wing that has the spars together and the trailing edge skins pinned in place. Have been doing this around full time work for the past 10 months. The person who posted the photos is the designer and I am the builder and I say to the designer often - I want to fly it before I die!!! I so wish I had a magic wand
  14. I would certainly support a workshop/forum on painting a plane as previously mentioned.
  15. Yes and regardless I think I do damn good work for an amateur. Obviously I wasn't watching when you snuck those photos in!
  16. Have access to a series of dies and a manually operated press. Have basically completed a wing too which has many lightening holes in the ribs and spars that have been done in the same manner. I fly cut the holes or used a step drill.
  17. Definitely lightening holes and around 300 of them so far in the fuselage and more to come!!! They were certainly not formed by lightning although it might have been quicker but the hole shape and pitch would have been more erratic.
  18. Was a hot time in the cockpit on that occasion and the proof is in the pic
  19. Lightening holes, lightening holes They are everywhere and I am sure that there are more to come in the scheme of things and in the interest of keeping statistics I am sure there are now around 300 in this structure of varying sizes. They have been filed and flanged and I feel I am nearly an expert on them.
  20. Lightening holes, lightening holes They are everywhere and I am sure that there are more to come in the scheme of things and in the interest of keeping statistics I am sure there are now around 300 in this structure of varying sizes. They have been filed and flanged and I feel I am nearly an expert on them.
  21. Care to share some answers to your hypothetical Aussie Steve. Be interesting to find out how you went with your inquiries while you were up this way at Christmas.
  22. Good to hear, although it must have been a truly slow snail that had your mail..... As it was one of the few decent days for flying in weeks here in Melbourne I shoved our new rego card on our plane and went for a fly yesterday. Magic. Cheers Neil Maybe the snail had a relative at the card making department:popcorn:. However, like you Neil, it was good to stick that new card in its holder and go flying and its another 350 (?) days away till............the next traumatic registration episode (which is hopefully less traumatic for everyone than this year's). I wonder what will eventually replace our registration issues. As a side issue a recent Sydney paper carried a short story about New York City approving a $320 million project to build the world's tallest ferris wheel which will be 192m and to open in 2016. I wonder what it might be located near!!!!
  23. 15 days from email notification that registration had been passed to receiving the actual card but its all mine now!
  24. Thanks - I was just curious as to whether someone might have been pilfering mail out of my letterbox.
  25. That is actually funny!!!
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