I just did my BFR in a Gazelle (and passed)
Now, I was trained and got my license on a gazelle, and I used to love them, and thought they had good handling compared to a C150. But since then it has been all the Cheetah, and before that, a bit of a Sportstar, and a GA Grumman Tiger.
For starters, where the h**l does the power go? Thats a 100HP motor isn't it? It doesn't climb, it doesn't cruise, it does't accelerate down the runway......
It was hard to get 500fpm with 30L fuel and 2 light built people, the Cheetah gets over 1000fpm with one and full fuel. And thats averaged over 2 minutes, with a timer and altimeter. And 1000 is conservative.
As for going somewhere...... I mean, at the moment the Cheetah has a climb prop which slows it down a bit, but 90+ indicated at 5000ft isn't too bad, and that means in 5 minutes, at 2750 rpm, the speed did not go below 90. It went up to 95 or higher, but I say 90 because I am honest.
But the Gazelle..... is it moving? it needs to be pushed to get over 60 IAS. at 3000ft
I mean it does it, but doesn't like it.
And then descent... like a rock, we did a glide in approach, into wind. And I must admit I stuffed up bad, we wouldn't have made it.
Instructor went to show me how to do it, he did it, but aiming to 1/3 and hitting the start.... I got it eventually, but I swear the Cheetah would have overshot totally...
And landing, set at 50kts, and no manouverability (not that there ever is much) and it hits the ground. No amount of rounding will help, and it needs like full power to smooth it out.
Cheetah, it needs holding off from 50 back to 30kts, and is responsive the whole time.
I can fly it at 35 straight and level, could go slower, but then it is climbing.
Now before you:ban me please:, I don't have a financial interest in selling Cheetahs, and have always loved Gazelles.
I just was amazed how much of a non-performer it is.
I think everyone who has learnt on a Gazelle (and is a Jab similar? I guess it would be, but haven't flown one) should go out and clock up a couple of hours in a REAL plane. A sportstar or similar would do. But do yourself a real treat, find a Cheetah and get a flight in that:).
They're a bit harder to fly in some ways (not many), but it is soooooo worth it.
I have registered for Avalon as a special interest aircraft, she really is...:heart::heart::heart: