In slow motion for the non-physicists amongst us. And to claim the $100 off brentc:laugh:
BTW, frame of reference problems can look very hard until you see the point and then they are obvious. I love them.
Firstly we have to work out the speed of the conveyor belt.
It moves backwards at the same speed as the plane but in reverse.
What speed is the plane?
Past the scenery it will go at the airspeed.
Over the conveyor belt it goes at a "groundspeed".
Think about this.
If the belt tries to match the airspeed, it is pointless. it can't do any good to any form of vehicle, be it plane, car, boat, or UFO, other than make its wheels turn at double time.
If it tries to match the groundspeed and keep the plane stationary, it is doomed to failure (as shown in videos etc). BUT, on the way to failure, it will speed up until it reaches breaking point. OR until the wheel bearings seize from overheating and the plane is gounded.
So, brentc, if I can build a conveyor belt fast enough to seize your wheels up, that $100 is mine.
A side note: A wind can stop a plane, but not a car, until it reaches breaking point; a conveyor can stop a car, but not a plane, until it reaches breaking point.
PS. John's section is cool. if only it was about something better like performance tweaks:)