might be a good time to review the basics again.
• Vref – the reference indicated (CAS) approach speed, usually about 1.3 to 1.5 times Vso plus 50% of the wind gust speed in excess of the mean wind speed. e.g.Vso = 30 knots, wind speed 10 knots gusting to 20 knots, Vref = 1.3 x 30 + 5 knots = 44 knots. Faster, heavier aircraft would tend towards the 1.3 times Vso end; lighter, slower aircraft would tend towards the 1.5 times Vso end. Normal landing procedure is to set up the approach so that an imaginary 15 metre [50 ft] high screen placed before the runway threshold is crossed at Vref and the airspeed is reduced to maybe 1.2 to 1.3 Vso – plus the gust allowance – when rounding out prior to touchdown. The ground distance from the screen to the touch-down point can be roughly estimated, using the 1-in-60 rule, from the approach slope. For example with a 6° slope – which is around the norm for most light aeroplanes – the distance will be 60/6 × 15 = 150 metres, to which must be added any float period plus the ground roll distance with normal braking, to give the total landing distance over the standard 15 m screen – in nil wind conditions.